White Man with Black Mom and Black Woman with White Dad
Because Derp
shareYou asking for logic from woketards?
shareWhy are mixed race families woke? By woke you mean they are aware of what they are doing?
Feel free to provide Hollywood with your approved list of scenarios in which mixed race families do and don't make sense. Maybe then they'll stop making children's movies that make you cry
So why are mixed race families needless or part of a woke agenda?
Should I have thought about how my choice of a spouse back in the 1980's, would affect your very being on this Earth, before I became part of that stupid woke agenda you think exists for no rational reason?
Am I woke because that simple little fact does not drive me to tell others that they must avoid this agenda that threatens to tear out your soul?
You're a pussy to the core. You need to man up before you hurt yourself.
Most people would hardly notice mixed race families, except for those delicate snowflakes who need a safe place to hide from their irrational fears.
Being triggered by something as inconsequential as a mixed race family is a sign of weakness. This forum is not your safe place.
You're a triggered snowflake that no one in their right mind will listen to.
A large growing movement of sheep who cannot deal with anything that does not fit their bias.
There is no alter of diversity. Diversity is something that is just there. Diverse is the default condition on the planet. Only those people who shelter themselves in a cocoon are able to see the world as anything but diverse.
shareI guess that makes you a Trumptard, doesn't it?
sharePerfect example of woketard logic.
"If you're not with us you're a trumptard, nazi, white supremacist, etc".
No my dear, i'm into that very small group that still has common sense and can see both sides as utterly moronic and corrupt.
Exactly. They can't fathom the idea of the world not being an either/or situation. Entirely anti-intellectual and socially-destructive (which is, after all, what they really want).
My wife summed them up best: Young and/or lazy people who don't want to do the work to legitimately earn something in this world.
It seems that King Triton really gets around. His daughters appear to be from many parts of the ocean. That is what sowing his "royal oats" around the world gets him. Woof!
sharePay attention. The Queen was not Prince Eric’s birth mother. They found him and adopted him as their own. So being of a different ethnicity is of no surprise. There is no telling what land Eric was originally from, but now he’s a resident of his Caribbean-like kingdom, where he is one of only a handful of white residents.
As for King Triton and his multi-ethnic sisters.. well, it’s a fairy tale. If Triton is the king of the ocean, then it stands to reason that each sister is a princess to a different sea in a different part of the ocean, represented by the various ethnicities.
So far I've yet to see any of these MAGA Social Justice Warriors preach about how Tritan's polyamorous relationships and miscegenation are tearing at the very core of their being.
But soon they will be saying we all need to band together to destroy any film producer who dares to show such things on the screen where little children could get dangerous ideas.