MovieChat Forums > The Little Mermaid (2023) Discussion > Glad it upsets the racist pricks

Glad it upsets the racist pricks

Unstable, cowardly bigots will cry.

The future is already here. Weep on, girls.


But surely films should entertain and entrance. They shouldn't be designed to piss people off. That's just posturing and pissing up millions of dollars against a wall simply to make a point. Which is frankly silly, even if you're NOT a racist.


Ok, that's just silly. Disney is not intentionally making a bad movie, and they are not making a movie "designed to piss people off."

Disney is a business. They are making decisions based on what will make them the most money.

I think you are seriously overestimating the number of people who actually give a rats ass about the race of the lead role. Or at least the number of people who see it as a bad thing.

It's important to remember that the loudest voices don't necessarily represent the majority.

Most people are either interesting in seeing the moving or they are not. Very few people actually care that the lead role is not Caucasian.


Disney makes its money from ESG dollars, not ticket sales. That's why they can get away with making one politically motivated flop after another.


Um, no. Ug, these conspiracy theories are exhausting (and just so damn ignorant).

Companies are in business to make money. They choose the movies that will make money. They choose the cast members that will do the job the company thinks is the job that will attract the most people, sell the most tickets, merchandise, etc., that will, therefore, make the most money.

It really is all about the money. There is no grand design to piss people off. There's no money to be made there.

Also, if you don't like what they're doing ... don't see the movie!


ESG scores are not a conspiracy theory. No, I don't like what they are doing. I haven't gone to a theater in over six years and never will again.


Oh, but it is.

Just like thinking masks were a government conspiracy. A conspiracy to do what? Control people? But why?


I don't know why evil does what it does. Demoralizing and dividing people...erasing their culture and identity before conquering has happened over and over again throughout history and it's happening to us now. I don't know about masks being a conspiracy but it's a part of taking away people's identity. And now there are people who continue to wear their masks because it gives THEM an identity.


I don't know who you are calling evil or who you think is taking away anyone's identity or really what your point is and what it has to do with the Little Mermaid.

My point was, it's silly to think Disney is intentionally trying to anger people by casting an African American in this movie. While there are some that are not in favor of those decision, they are not in the majority. If Disney really thought the majority of people would be upset and therefore not watch the movie, they would have made a different choice.


Why control people? Really?

It's the government


And what does "the government" have to gain from people wearing masks? I mean, other than the obvious, if you are wearing a mask, you keep most of your germs to yourself, thereby protecting others.


Have you ever read Animal Farm?


That didn't really answer the question.

If a rule or law is passed simply to be a form of control and not because it's beneficial, there would be a reason behind it. There would be something for the government would gain from it. Masks are an example of the government having absolutely nothing to gain from passing the rules, other than the public safety.

People like to throw around control and conspiracy, but they don't seem to realize that there needs to be a reason behind it. The government's evil agenda has to have an actual agenda, not just a bunch of useless rules.


You don't think people exercise their power arbitrarily?


Sometimes, but as a general rule? No.


Covid was a shouting match and fear campaign by each party in the US. They pander to their constituents regardless of right and wrong. Once people got too deep into their tribes there was no going back on any stances originated by their respected parties.

Just recently the WHO started retracting statements, but it is no longer considered big news. The government needed to wait until public outrage over covid died down.

On the conservative side they refused to believe anything that would limit their freedom. Idk if this helps explain the actions of the government or not, but I'm not going to explain it anymore. If you think the government is your friend you have bigger problems.


That is an interesting perspective. I completely disagree with you, but I apreciate you articulating your thoughts.

You don't need to "explain" anything to me. It's not that I don't understand what you are saying. I simply disagree with your conclusion.

The Covid crises was a crisis. Many actions were taken with the hope of making things better, or at the very least, slowing things down. Not every action taken ended up helping. Not every action taken was the correct one. That doesn't mean that anyone necessarily screwed up or had misguided or evil intentions. It's not easy to deal with a crises when the cause of the crisis is something we've never had to deal with before.

If you go about life always assuming that people are out to get you and that every move an authority makes is ill intended and only with the hope of gaining "control," I pity you. I wouldn't want to go through life being that cynical or paranoid. It tends to prevent you from enjoying things and being happy.


I still go through life thankful for what I have, but with the understanding that people are oppressed by the machine. The term might sound cliche or cheesy, but human nature is an oppressive one. The human race has spent it's entirety trying to conquer, expand, and take advantage.


I've found that if you look for the best in people, you usually find it.


More than a century of scientific research has shown that masks do not prevent the spread of respiratory viruses. To believe that they do is science denial. Masking was imposed as a psychological measure to make it look like the populace was doing something. They were nothing but theater.

As far as Ariel being black is concerned, it's ridiculous because it's a Danish fairy tale, but I don't really care because I have no interest in seeing it, anyway. It would be interesting to see what would happen to Disney if they made a movie from a sub-Saharan African folk tale, starring a white actress. No doubt the same people defending this version of "The Little Mermaid" would be defending that, too.


More than a century of scientific research has shown that masks do not prevent the spread of respiratory viruses.

Hmmm …

I would be very interested in learning more about this research. I honestly have not heard any healthcare professionals or reputable scientific websites make the claim that mask wearing “prevents” anything.

Wearing a mask does significantly reduce the transmission of moisture and therefore bacteria and viruses contained in the moisture droplets. So the person wearing the mask has a far greater chance of not passing on any bacteria or viruses to another person.

As far as the ethnicity of anyone in this movie goes … it’s a frickin fairy tale. Enjoy the show.


I was responding to the OP, who seems to delight in the idea of pissing people off, as if that was the intent of Disney. If you think it's a ridiculous notion, then, please, take it up with the *OP*, since it is *their* notion (not mine). I'm simply saying effectively the SAME THING AS YOU, which is that it would be silly to intentionally piss people off.

Now, I look forward to you doing what you should have done in the first place, and putting the OP to task, since it is THEIR contention that you are IN FACT arguing against in your above post. 🙂 Thanks for your time.


I believe the OP was making fun of people who were complaining that an African American was cast.

I apologize that I did not read your post as sarcasm.


i don't give a shit about her race my problem is the bad CGI


So you're happy your brand of racism upsets the racists you don't like?


Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


That's exactly the idea.

I am not racist so I get pissed off about the concept you just mentioned.



I think he is saying girls are weak, which is why they weep. That, or girls do not belong in the future.



Every now and then I get bored enough to reply to a Truly Idiotic post. Let's start here: you Do realize there's no such thing as "race," yes? At best, the concept is a social construct of limited utility, with NO scientific/logical underpinnings. Go ahead and try to put humans in neatly-defined boxes; after 200,000 years, all I can do is wish you good luck and watch you pityingly.

After you struggle through that concept, work on this: how has Cleopatra been "blackwashed?" What "race" do you imagine she was? Do you imagine she looked more like Elizabeth Taylor? Theda Bara? Monica Bellucci? (Hint: NO.)

Good luck to you.


If there's no such thing as race, does that mean there's no such thing as white-washing or black-face? If so, good luck telling the progressives that.


There's no "if" about it. The other concepts you mention are, however, well defined.


Regardless of how well or ill-defined they might be, if there is no such thing as race, and it is instead just a "social construct, then the other two concepts are also exactly that. In which case, all this complaining of past "white-washing" and this hysterical push for diversity and inclusion has all been one giant fad.

If you agree, good for you. But you'll need to discuss this with the progressives as well. Do that, and you'll have your fill of "truly idiotic posts" with olympic-level mental gymnastics to feed your boredom.


"Regardless of how well or ill-defined they might be"

This alone shows conclusively that you're not any good at the whole "thinking" thing. Start over, try again, or maybe just go sit down somewhere. Not gonna bother w/the rest of your post; it's equally stupid.


It’s clear you can’t think of an actual counter-argument. If you wanna concede, kiddo, just say so. Otherwise, don't start something that you can't finish, and don't bite off more than you can chew with mature topics like this.


LOL. . .sorry, you fail miserably at deflecting from your inadequacies. Address what I wrote; maybe I'll be bored enough to reply. So far, like I said: you're simply proving you're not good at thinking critically. Good luck to you.



"there is such thing as "race". or at least the categorization we have given to it and the way its colloquially used by normal people as a concept."

Lemme guess: you're bad at reading comprehension, AND you get to be the one who defines who the "normal people" are. LMAO. Like the muppet above you, you've started with absurdity, and the rest of your post is more of the same.

You can't define what "black" means (CERTAINLY not pinned to any historical context), and you are (clearly) incapable of grasping basic concepts. Stop typing, you're making a fool of yourself.


Yeah, so there is no racism either. Truth is there are races, and they are pretty well defined. If your argument is that most people are not “pure” races you might be right, although I think that the majority of people are not mixed.

Learn a thing or two about genetics …


"Learn a thing or two about genetics …"

Way to triple down on stupidity. Like the muppet(s) above you, you seem incapable of grasping basic concepts. I won't go into all the ways you're flaunting your inadequacies, but I'm Just bored enough to give you One:

"Racism" does NOT require that there is such a thing as "race." You *Idiot*. It simply requires that dummies like you BELIEVE there is such a thing. See how that works? See how there can be racist idiots, even though there IS NO SCIENTIFIC BASIS FOR SUCH A CONCEPT, "GENETICALLY" OR OTHERWISE???

Of course not. You're an idiot. You can go, now.


You are an idiot. First of all the races are clear. No, they are NOT social constructs. I can see and recognize, based on physical and genetic differences different races. No, I don’t need society to tell me that a black guy is part of the negroid race, that is clear and visible. The “theory” that races are social constructs it’s a stupid political correct theory …

If you argue that there are no physical differences between the white and the black race you are simply a moron …

Learn about genetic markers and haplogroups then come back.

“ Using gene frequency data for 62 protein loci and 23 blood group loci, we studied the genetic relationship of the three major races of man, Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid. Genetic distance data indicate that Caucasoid and Mongoloid are somewhat closer to each other than to Negroid.”,each%20other%20than%20to%20Negroid.


“ Commonly used argumentation (races do not exist because populations are not genetically separated) does not hold water. A polytypic species is characterized by genetic continuity of allopatric populations rather than the presence of narrow genetic boundaries between them. ”



I love, Love, *LOVE* when stupid people make it their mission to prove just how conclusively stupid they are. Typically, those who know the Least bray the loudest.

Sorry, but your simple Google search of "genetics for dummies who want confirmation bias" will NOT substitute for actual truth. In this case, the fact of the matter is, you understand embarrassingly little of what you've read online, and misinterpreted/misrepresented. In particular, you're quoting an ABSTRACT of a paper by Masatoshi Nei, without understanding in the Least what the guy is trying to say, why he's trying to say it, or what any of those words mean. Face it: you don't have the slightest idea what protein/blood group loci are, the relation between allopatrics and polytypic speciation, or how any of that relates to the matter at hand.

You're an idiot. Who *desperately* wants to believe in something that Simply Isn't True. Get someone with some smarts to explain a bit of what the Human Genome Project confirmed to those of us who actually UNDERSTAND this material: THERE IS NO GENETIC BASIS FOR CLASSING HUMANS INTO ANY ARBITRARY "RACIAL" GROUPS.


Some reading for the layman:

And since you're easily impressed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information:

Really: Stop Typing. You're Embarrassing yourself.


Really dude, you’re too stupid to understand. Fact is: race is not a social construct, the biological and physical differences between races are not social constructs and are real.

That’s a fact. Your posts are trolling and bullshit … and arguing that races have no physical differences from others is moronic. Anyone can see said differences.

And btw, the existence of distinct races has nothing to do with ranking said races or with the idea that some races are superior. Just different. But idiots can’t understand the nuance.

As I said, those “scientific” papers are just PC propaganda and nothing more, an attempt to fight racism by negating its basis. Which is quite stupid …


Translation: "I've shown that I'm incapable of responding to the specifics disproving my nonsense, so I'm now gonna spout generalities neener neener you don't know what you're talking about, neither do the Harvard/Stanford sources you've quoted, none of it is 'scientific.' Whatever that means."

"Biological and physical differences?" Like, between Obama and Vin Diesel? Or Blake Griffin and Ron Howard? Or Rachel Dolezal and Halle Berry? Or Bruce Lee and Paul Revere? You IDIOT.

Like I said: you're embarrassing yourself. Hilarious that you're too stupid to see it. Pray, continue.


No idiot, those are mixed people. Not “pure” races.

Differences between someone born in Africa from native parents and someone born in Europe from native parents.

Of course that mixed races people do exist but sayin that based on their existence races don’t is moronic. Your stupid brain would believe that bulldog as a dog race doesn’t exist because your neighbor has a mutt with some bulldog in its lineage … and you don’t even see how stupid that is. So because Obama is not 100% black it means that the black race doesn’t exist, lol.

The differences between races do exist but it’s obvious that those differences are less in mixed populations, duh.

So your argument that “race” is a social construct is that people call “black” mixed race individuals.

A lot (I would say most of) African Americans are of mixed race btw. So yeah, calling those “black” is a social construct or just ignorant and maybe racist. In fact they are multiracial or mixed race. Hell, some people even call Meghan “black”. But that doesn’t mean that race doesn’t exist. Yes, when I’m by my Nigerian friend the differences are pretty clear and yes, we are of different races.

You see, this is why I call your “science” bullshit and your arguments idiotic. It’s nothing but PC propaganda and pseudo-science.

Btw, the human genome was NEVER fully completed, so all your “science” is bullshit …

Btw, you idiot, Obama and Vin Diesel have similar ancestry, white mothers and black or African American fathers. Can you understand how stupid you are when you ask about differences between those 2???


It's actually fascinating to watch you babble inanities, Completely caught in a whirlpool of stupidity AND ignorance. Wow.

Your problem: you simply don't know what you're talking about. Short version: NOTHING you said was true; your desperate desire to be right means nothing in the face of the facts I've explained.

Like I said: find someone brighter than you to explain it. Not gonna go point by point and waste time on correcting you; you'd just call it "bs science" and continue babbling inanities.

Really: You're embarrassing yourself.


You didn't explain anything, and for sure NOT facts. Just stupid moronic ideas.

you were the one embarrassing yourself when you brought up as proof 2 individuals that are mixed between the same races, proving that you have exactly zero idea about what you're talking.

And you act superior and knowledgeable but you are just stupid and ignorant.

And now you are even saying that Obama being biracial with a white mother (Ann Dunham - Irish family, born in Kansas) and a black father (Barack Obama - Kenyan) is not true!!! HOW STUPID AND IGNORANT can you be??? Obama's genealogy is well known. You fail. HARD.

And that's your moronic PC pseudo science: there are no races because Obama is neither (or both/mixed). Brilliant, lol.

Stop posting moronic ideas and embarrassing yourself even more. And obviously you didn't understand anything of what I said.

Here another fact that you will never understand (yes, involves genetic differences in different populations):


Again, your wikipedia research will NOT substitute for real training in the hard sciences. You're Embarrassing Yourself.

You don't understand what you're citing, you clearly have no grounding in Any of this, yet you continue to argue. You're a fool.

Again: I could continue to pick apart your posts, but it's all of a piece: none of what you babble is correct, and you're too much of an idiot to understand what you're quoting. As evidenced by your inability to understand why I cited Obama, Blake Griffin, Dolezal, Diesel and the others. You have COMPLETELY missed the (rather obvious) point I was making, and as a result are making a fool of yourself. Amusing, but boring at this point. Go sit down, somewhere. Dummy.


You didn't pick apart ANY pf my arguments. You are the one that doesn't understand what my posts are about and I will not bother to explain it to an imbecile like you.

You chose mixed race people and I don't understand the reason? You are really an imbecile. Even worse, you chose people with similar background to compare to each other, how stupid can you be? And to argue that "oh, yeah, you and you african friend look exactly the same, there are no physical or genetic differences, just social constructs" it utterly moronic.

This IS funny.

"Again, your wikipedia research will NOT substitute for real training in the hard sciences."

You lack both. You are just filed with propaganda and bullshit pseudo-science.

Is not my wiki research, it's just easier to find and for you to hopefully understand (but you don't) material.


Sad waste of time you guys are. Couldn't read the whole thing. You guys are arguing over who the idiot is? A smart person wouldn't waste their time typing any of these responses.


You have a point there :D

Some people are bored and with too much time.

(I know, a smart person would find something interesting to do - everything bores me, lol)


I can't wait to see their mind shatter as it's a massive success.


I doubt it. Most shit Disney pushed in the last years were failures. Unless you think they are doing this as a result of their success ...

Another "success" for Disney: - straight to streaming ...

Disney lately churns mediocre (at best) movies (live adaptations) in the hope that they can cash on nostalgia and the popularity of the old movies.

And apparently they like to stir controversy, they cast a "too white" girl in the live adaptation of Lilo and Stitch.

I want to see racists that defended the cast for little mermaid defend this option as well!!!


