
Mike White is a fantastic writer/director and people don't appreciate that. What a sad world we live in. This movie was awesome. It really stuck with me. One of the best of 2017.


Totally agree. This movie really spoke to me and Stiller did a fantastic job. Wish it got more play than it did.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-https://youtu.be/D7m8xp9OmHU


I actually subscribed to your channel a while ago. Your reviews are good and well thought out, even if I don't always agree with you. A few of your reviews I disagreed with a lot, but I do enjoy others perspectives.


thanks. it's always much appreciated.


OP, I'm in total agreement. This is a great movie. Unfortunately, people are too closed-minded to give this a chance. I've heard arguments like 'the Ben Stiller character is unlikable.' Ridiculous. It's not about whether he's likable or not, it's about exploring his inner struggle.


Exactly. I think that unlikable people make for a more interesting movie. Not that the Stiller character was really unlikable; it was all about him slaying those inner demons. Laura Dern's character in Enlightened was probably the most unlikable character I've ever seen in a movie or TV show, but I adored that show. People had the same gripes about that show too, because the Dern character was so awful. Mike White actually wrote and directed Brad's Status and Enlightened. He seems to like incredibly flawed characters. I find them fascinating.


Is Enlightened like Brad's Status? Some critic said they were similar.


Enlightened lasted two seasons and the main character was absolutely horrible, but the weird thing was that the character also had her heart in the right place. The character walked a strange road that she tried to do the right thing, but seemed to always do it in the worst way. Dern's real mother Diane Ladd plays her mother in the show. A great show. Check it out.


Diane Ladd was married to Bruce Dern?


Yes, they were married in the 60's.


Wow, that seems like an odd couple, early in his career I always remember Bruce Dern playing the crazed psychopathic cowboy on the Big Valley or some other bit part in a series mostly western genre villain. Finally he kind of broke out with "Silent Running" and then 6 years later in "Coming Home". Such a quirky actor with a quirky career.


Diane Ladd has had some odd roles also. Have you ever seen Wild At Heart? Definitely in line with nutty characters Dern's played.


I didn't see any other comments here ... I too thought this was a very good movie. Certainly so much better than the never-ending serial murderer, revenge, junky sci-fi, comic-book-heros, and all the other cliche genres that Hollywood cannot seem to get enough of. I rated it 8/10


I enjoy watching Ben Stiller and I enjoyed this movie, but i did not laugh one single time. The cover of the bid says "Stiller makes you laugh till it hurts." Really? Did ANYONE laugh at this thing, and if so where? I don't get it. Disappointing lack of any laughs here. Not a comedy. I was even cringing at the end how he treated the acquaintance who helped him with his son. What emotional self-indulgence, so fucked up... and could even backfire.


Some people find things funny in movies that others don't. I hate slapstick and pratfalls which are very common in comedy these days. None of that makes me laugh, even though the masses eat it up.


Agreed. What did you find amusing or laugh-out-loud in this film, though?


I didn't find anything laugh out loud, but some of the interactions between father and son did make me laugh. I think what made me laugh was more situational or how the lines were delivered rather than there being actual jokes to laugh at. Sometimes I laugh at things that make me think of things I have actually experienced with others in life. As I said, people are amused at different things for different reasons. A couple of movies that made me lol were There's Something About Mary and Serial Mom. Both those had great acting, jokes and situations. Brad's Status is funny in a totally different way than those other two movies I mentioned.
