The best way to watch this...
This movie is dumb AF. Seriously...
i. I laughed out loud when nerdy scientist guy explains the moon's gravity as "1.63 metres squared". This is a measure of AREA -- about 81 square feet -- and has NOTHING to do with gravity. (The white board he references shows 1.63 m/s^2 = 1.63 metre/seconds squared which is the correct ACCELERATION due to gravity on the moon. The actor misunderstood the nomenclature.)
ii. Nerdy scientist guy uses an ancient slide rule to calculate latitude and longitude. Slide rules are used to multiply and divide and have nothing to do with navigational positioning.
iii. We hear a lot of squealing tires as cars drift through turns during a car chase scene... except that they are chasing each other on snow and ice. *facepalm*
iv. Halle Berry is using a sextant in space(!), a navigation device used to calculate latitude and longitude by measuring the difference in angle between the horizon and specific stars. In space, it's just a useless piece of metal.
The best way to watch this movie is to play cliche bingo.
Get a card, draw out a 3x3 grid, fill in each box with a sci-fi disaster movie cliche. Each time a cliche pops up on your card, cross off a box. First person to get three in a row wins.
Armageddon, Deep Impact, ID4, 2012, The Day After Tomorrow, 2001 are all ripe sources for your cliche card.