
Great show! Comical how the left claims that this is a real possibility in this country and were actually in danger of it happening. these same idiots are in favor of open borders and allowing tens of thousands of Muslim refugees into the country! I think all religious fanaticism is dangerous, but to fear a scenerio like the show portrayals is Rediculous. Women, gays, non Muslims are currently being oppressed or worse In Muslim countries. And it's spreading through Europe. Christianity is the last thing we need to worry about in this country.


'Christianity is the last thing we need to worry about in this country. "

Christianity is actually the ONLY religion we need to worry about in this country, assuming you mean America and not Canada, where they don't have the dangerous power they possess in the US.

Muslims aren't the ones trying to get creationism and advocacy of their religion taught in public schools-Christians are. Muslims aren't the ones fighting against women's rights--Christians are. There aren't any Muslim theocrat's occupying important government offices--but there are Christian theocrat's everywhere in government, and a new one, Ray Moore, is about to enter the Senate from Alabama. These are people who are every bit as opposed to the values which founded America as any Muslim extremist. They are the same, in fact--only worse, for us, because they can actually advance their agenda's.

Get a clue. And learn to spell.
