Next week?

Well I liked it and I'm on board.

So I'm assuming there will be fewer threads next week. This week has been dominated by posters who hated the show and hopefully won't be back next week to diss it. Although if the hater is a troll, I suppose we'll hear from him/her again because that's what trolls do. LOL

Anyone else a fan?


Not perfect but good enough. I am hoping there is less exposition about the technology. I also love it if they said cable was a nickname and started referring to the millennial by her real name. That was the one thing that really bugged me.


Thought it was okay, interesting enough to watch for another few weeks.

Milo, I've told you again and again - please, don't walk on the chickens!


I'm in! I really enjoyed it even though I thought a few moments were a little awkwardly contrived. I've always enjoyed courtroom dramas and Michael Weatherly. I liked the Chunk character.


Cable as a name didn't bother me.
Not fond of the name Chunk because I keep seeing the kid from The Goonies.

Dr Jason Bull: Don't give up on people, they're all we've got.


While I'm not completely sold...for instance hearing the "thoughts" of the jurors was odd to say the least. I found myself picturing comic book thought bubbles 💭 ...Not good!!!

Despite that, I am looking forward to next weeks episode.


I guess it's different strokes for different folks. I really liked hearing the thoughts of the jurors. I laughed out loud at a couple of them.


LOL, and if you have ever sat on a jury, you'd have thought some pretty funny ones as well! I like the effect as long as they don't overdo it.

"Tell me you've got something better than agitated nuns." - Gibbs


for instance hearing the "thoughts" of the jurors was odd to say the least

That was the easiest way of showing how Dr Bull was 'reading the Jury' during the trial.
not certain how else they could have done that part and given the viewer the personal insight that Dr Bull has in Jury selection and working with the Lawyer team to gain a favorable verdict.

A Mountain Lion does not concern himself with the opinion of sheep.


I'm all in! 

"Tell me you've got something better than agitated nuns." - Gibbs


I'll have to watch a couple of more episodes. I am not saying it was bad... My issue is I keep seeing "Tony"... I guess that's one of the things when you play a certain character for 13 years. I do like Michael Weatherly


Well, I didn't like it, but I'm giving it more time. Still, I guess not liking it makes me a troll. Oh well, s*cks to be me.


Since there won't be a new episode next week I'm sure there will be fewer new threads than there were during the first two airings.

Next week all the broadcast networks (except the CW) are showing the Vice Presidential debates from 9 pm to 11 pm eastern so this show and a lot of others won't be airing that night.

The end of the episode said it will be back October 11th.

I don't know what they have to say. It makes no difference anyway. Whatever it is, I'm against it.


Not bad at all.
I like the concept.
First I had my doubts about Michael Weatherly, but I begin to forget "DiNozzo", which is a good sign.

A lot of people seem to be concerned about the amount of money Bull's services would cost -> only for the rich.
Perhaps if the writers cleared that up (pro bono/giving back/research purposes/ whatever), more people would watch.
