MovieChat Forums > Bull (2016) Discussion > Reminds me of "Killer Women"

Reminds me of "Killer Women"

This new program reminds me of Killer Women - not because of any similarity in story line, but in similarity of shallowness.

Think about it - if you watched Killer Women, you started each show with the assumption that the "killer" was going to be a woman, and that the Texas Ranger would find her.

Just how much latitude is there in a show where the lead is a jury consultant? There are only four ways things can end: guilty gets off, guilty is convicted, innocent gets off, innocent gets convicted. I'm sorry, but that doesn't give script writers very much to work with.

Killer Women lasted eight episodes. We'll see whether Bull lasts any longer.


There's also the hung jury (because Bull is affected by a personal crisis that throws him off his game). There could also be the dramatic courtroom hostage crisis that has Dr. Bull (as one of the hostages) interacting with the hostage taker in a high-stakes negotiation. Depending on how that comes out, it could explain the personal crisis that throws Bull off his game.


OK, you make a good point. Let's see how it plays out.


I didn't mean that my ideas were good ones. In truth, they're TV clichés (and kinda cheesy ones at that). The results can still be pretty shallow.
