MovieChat Forums > Bull (2016) Discussion > BULL Season 1 Episode 2 Photos The Woman...

BULL Season 1 Episode 2 Photos The Woman in 8D

Promo pics from 1x02



I just read that this show is supposed to be based on (Dr)Phil McGraws' "early career"...... I'm not quite sure about Phil's "timeline", he talks about being rejected by his Dad the drunk, being homeless, working at menial jobs, blah blah WAH. Phil's numbers/timeline just don't add up, he said last week he'd been "doing this (psychology) for 45 years, the man is 65 and he refers to himself as a mental health professional since he was 20....when was he "homeless"? How did he get into a post-secondary education while living on the streets? Apparently, in Phil's eyes, the minute he announced his "primary field of study", he decided that was the "start" of his career, most students wait to see if they've done well in their classes, or after their Frosh/Soph years before they start thinking of themselves as a future Clinician, or Therapist, or whatever.....I don't dislike Phil McGraw the person - but his "mental health" resume has holes you could drive a tank through, imho

Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot - than to open it and remove all doubt!
