Crazy close to home (Spoiler)
Watching the latest episode about the malpractice case. I had the same surgery, minus the "Atticus", for the same reason the plaintiff did. We were trying to start a family and the fibroid on my ovary was not only painful, but may have contributed to our infertility at the time. So we discussed it with our fertility specialist and decided to have the fibroid removed. While I was in surgery, my surgeon opted not to remove my fibroid because of it's location in relation to major blood vessels. He wasn't able to see the dangerous location prior to the surgery through the ultrasound I had. But once he located the fibroid during surgery, he felt it was best not to continue. I woke up with my fibroid still in me with the option to have major surgery instead, which would result in a much longer and painful recovery time. But major surgery would have allowed for a better attempt to remove the fibroid safely.
Watching the episode, it was so crazy similar to my fibroid story. The difference being that the surgeon on the episode continued with the laser surgery and he ended up hitting the blood vessel causing the patient to bleed out and almost die.
Crazy 😬
Love this show.
Grr. Argh.