Suits that can withstand the depths of the Mariana Trench?
The glass in their helmets was resilient enough to withstand over 15,000 psi, but would be pliable enough to be cracked open with a blunt object when needed? How much suspension of belief do you need to have even for the year 2050. Even the structures are too far-fetched.
Did I miss something regarding the crew? It was mentioned at the beginning that over 300 people were at this facility. The captain said he sent up a little over 20 people in pods. What happened to everyone else. It's never mentioned.
What happened to Rodrigo is what should've happened to them all. Immediate implosion. And he's the lucky one. He didn't have to put up with all of the corny-ass editing and/or directing in this movie. The concept was interesting, but at least make your story plausible. The underwater cinematography seemed like it was done by 7th graders, and the characters were about as boring as they come. Having Kristen Stewart in you movie doesn't help your cause at all.
Waste of time.