Another woke movie

Every single White guy is evil and almost all Black people are good. And a heroic Black woman protagonist. Typical for Hollyweird for 2020s.


Butler plays the same character in every film anyway, think I'll pass.




Not just this one. Every single movie made in the last 3 years has all the white guys bad and all the POCs good.




It's not about self respect. It's about having an identity in your ethnic group and stand up for your own side. It's cucks like you who've been so brainwashed you don't know you are just being used as a tool by Jews and minorities to demonize your own people.

And Hollywood is just a part of the larger ideological and demographic war against White people being waged in the West. Imagine if it was done against any other group. The only reason this is allowed for Whites is because they have been propagandized to have guilt and to have no identity. No other group has been so ethno masochistic in human history, yet we are still being blamed for being too tribal ie. racist while all other groups are tribal while we are not.


It's about having an identity in your ethnic group and stand up for your own side.



I used to be a brainwashed leftist like yourself. Now I am awoken. It feels amazing fighting for your people when they are unfairly attacked and demonized. When a Black person stands up to demonization of his race, he is called an anti-racist. When a White person stands up to demonization of his race he is called a racist.




I am fully grown. You need to recognize the ugly realities around you. USA will look like Honduras in 2 generations time.




OvertonPendulum is right (and you know it)

What's worse is....You probably *want* it to happen?




No, he's not wrong....




No he's not wrong actually. You are.




So says four different people so far.


"USA will look like Honduras in 2 generations time."




"Fighting for your people"? Get the hell out of there with that bull****, and stop trying to play the damn victim. White people are the ones that have always demonized the hell out of everybody who isn't white for most of this country's history, and they're still doing it today. Not all of them, but a lot are. Once again, get the hell over yourself. There is nobody demonizing you. White people are the majority in this country, you can still see people who look like you all the damn time. So cut the damn whining----you sound ridiculous as hell. You aren't fighting for anybody except your own whiny snowflake "I can't stand to see anybody who isn't white like me in a leading role" complaining a**. Grow the hell up, please. It just shows how pitiful you are that this film bothered you so much because a white guy wasn't the hero. How fkg pathetic.


Bollocks. Whites are the ones demonized. Just look around you. You can't even post "It's OK to be White" without it being investigated as a hate crime. Minorities aren't victims. If they were genuinely oppressed, they would try to secede like all oppressed people do. Instead they want to keep leeching off the White man.


What are you a black panther or something?


Oh, please. You just hate the fact that the movies aren't all just about white men and only white men any damn more. Also, Hollywood is still run mainly by white men, and they aren't all liberal like the right-wing and that stupid fake-a** fox news loves to say. There is no bull****"war" being waged against white people. Times have changed, the world does not revolve around white people anymore. And calling people "cucks" because you don't like what they say, and saying they're been "brainwashed by Jews and minorities" is really fckg immature and stupid. Just say that you're an insecure stupid whiny-a** racist who can't change with the times, and move the hell on. I loved this film because it was damn good, and action-packed and fun as hell. And as a black filmgoer myself, it was nice to see a black heroine in a crime thriller for a change. It's a damn good film, but all a troll like you wants to do is whine about the fact that a black woman is the heroine in the film. Dude, we're seen white men in these leading hero roles a hundred damn times for the past 100 years since film started. It's time for a damn change, and white people are not the only people who go to the movies. So get the hell over yourself. Nobody made your whiny snowflake a** go see the film. It is what it is.


Hollywood is run by Jews who don't consider themselves White and hate White people. And it's not just a White conspiracy theory. Opinion polls clearly show that.

Who is stopping Black people from making their own movies with their protagonists? Who has ever stopped Black people from making their own movies? White people are under no obligation to show Black people in movies in positive light, just as Black people are under no obligation to show Whites in positive light. I am not complaining this movie features Black people, I'm complaining it's anti White and it's PART OF A PATTERN of anti White movies in Hollywood. Would you like Black people demonized? Would you like if there was a popular "woke" pattern of Blacks being continuously shown as bad buys in movies?? Now imagine if Black person complained about increasing anti Black racism in Hollywood and being called a "snowfalke".


Please---all that bull**** you're spitting about Jewish people running Hollywood is just old,tired-a** conspiracy theory bull****. Everybody in Hollywood isn't Jewish, for one thing. First of all, I saw some of your stupid-a** ignorant posts on another thread-----you're not even American, you said you're European, and just plain fucking racist as hell. You're never even been to America, so what gives you the right to bitch about it just because everyone here isn't trying to be a fkg crazy white supremacist nutcase like you? You said you live in a lily-white country, so why the hell do you even give a damn what goes in America? Shut the hell up, and be happy where you're from. America has always been a multicultural country---that's always been its one of its major strengths. And black people did, in fact, built this country during slavery for free for over 300 damn years---this is our country. Who the fck is your racist foreign a** to tell us it isn't? Black people have only been making movies in Hollywood for barely 50 years now, and that's because Hollywood was racist as hell and never let any black people come in to direct or do anything besides act until after the civil rights movement, when we had to demand that Hollywood finally let us in.

There is nothing "anti-white" about Copshop----you just hate the fact that a white guy wasn't the lead hero for a change. You also clearly don't know jack about Hollywood's history of being racist toward black people for decades and only depicting us as thieves, or criminals, or less than human. Bottom line, you clearly don't know what the hell you're talking about, with your ignorant racist a**. Black people and people of color making strides in the movie business and elsewhere isn't taking away a damn thing from white people. Only idiot racists like you think white people are still supposed to dominate everything and everybody because they're white. Get real---white people are human and flawed just like anybody else on


Earth. White people have to go to the bathroom and wipe their a**** just like anybody else. And when you die, you will be eaten by maggots and be decomposing into the dirt like any other corpse. Your claiming to be white and superior won't mean s*** then, you fckg racist dumba** idiot. White people are not the only damn people on earth with lives and stories to tell, and cultures to express. And cut the "white victim" bull****---that's getting old and tired, too. Your racist a** has obviously never met a real black person, so shut the fck up talking about us. We are not the problem with America---the problem is stupid, arrogant white racist bastards like you with this bull**** notion of white superiority that is the damn problem. You obviously don't know s*** about our country or about how damn hard black people have worked to be Americans---which we are. Obviously, your dumb racist a** thinks we're less than human---so go fck yourself, and stop posting your backwards bullshit racist s*** on here. America isn't your country anyway, so fck off, you pos. White people are not smarter or better than anyone else because they're white. That's just some bull**** white people made up to justify enslaving black people and anyone else who got in their way whenever they invaded countries of color and stole all their resources. You only have white skin because the earliest white folks lived in cold northern environments for centuries--that's all. It has nothing to do with being superior to anybody about anything. Keep living in your little white racist world where you're so insecure that you have everybody who isn't like you. And Ben Shapiro ain't s***---you only like him because he's a racist pos like you.


99% of your post is nothing but insults and no arguments. Me being a European gives me an advantage in looking at American situation more objectively. America hasn't been a multicultural country. 90% of the country was always European before the 1960s. Diversity is a tremendous weakness ranging from crime to all the race riots and racial discrimination lawsuits. The fact that everyone parrots the "diversity is a strength" like a mantra is just proof that lies need people repeating them. You don't need to tell yourself something is true all the time if it's indeed true. You wouldn't even know what a racially homogenous society looks like. You're just spouting BS propaganda you've been told by the leftist establishment. Living in an all White country is PARADISE. Low crime, few people on welfare, no race riots, no constant fear of offending someone, no identity politics...

I do not have a problem of seeing Black people on the big screen. I do not even have a problem of Black people being portrayed more positively than they actually deserve (if Hollywood portrayed Black people as they actually behave in the real world, they would show them in a much more negative light). I only have a problem when Whites are starting to be shown excessively negatively like it has been the case in the last few years since movies became "woke". There is nothing "snowflakey" about it. Not wanting to see your people demonized is entirely human nature and there is nothing wrong with it. A Black person who stands up to the demonization of his people is called an anti racist. A White person who stands up to the demonization of his own people is called a racist.


I'm a black American, you arrogant a**hole. I'm not spouting any propaganda bull****. That's my life and how I've lived here in America that I'm talking about. I know a hell of a lot more about life here than your racist a** who has never ever been here does. And claiming that only all-white countries are some kind of "paradise" is bullshit. You probably live in a small European country with a small population, so of course it's a paradise to you. Even all-white countries have crime and issues---they're not fkg perfect, or fk paradise all the damn time. Your dumb a** is saying that only black people commit crimes, which is pure bull****. White people commit crimes and do terrible s*** just like every other culture on the planet. You're no damn better than anyone else. You obviously don't know jack about American history and how black people have had to fight for literally every damn right we're gotten as Americans. So how fkg dare you insult me by claiming that black people are nothing but criminals and don't do anything worth doing? That's a damn lie. American was built with our blood and sweat and free unpaid labor for most of its history. All black people want is for white people to stop fkg discriminating against us because we're black. What the fck is so hard about that? And the term "woke" simply mean being aware of social injustices. You racists love throwing the term around like an insult, because you hate the fact that your own racism and white privilege is being called on. Black people just want go to school, and work and live our lives without having to deal with racist a**holes like you who hate us for no other reason than because we're black. You clearly don't know s*** about black people or the struggles we're always has to go through because of ignorant white racists like you claiming you're superior and treating us and other people of color like s***. So fck off, and stay in your little lily-white so-called "paradise" and STFU, you racist POS!


And another thing----white folks have always stolen parts of our culture from us---our fashion, our music, our slang---without even giving us the credit and claiming it for themselves. So get the fck off our backs----no black person has ever done a damn thing to you, but yet you want to hate us because it makes you feel superior to look down on someone, and think you're fkg better when you aren't. Being an ignorant racist is just a fkg ego trip for insecure racists like you who suck up all that racist right-wing bull**** in order to justify being racist. Go and get the fck out of here with that bull****. You aren't saying anything new---white racist idiots like you have been saying the same racist bullshit you're been spewing out for a couple of centuries---ain't a damn thing new about any of the s*** you're saying. None of it is.


America wasn't built by slavery. That's a lie liberals promote in order to give Blacks a positive role in American history which necessary to protect them from resentment given how they behave. If slavery built America, how come the South was so much poorer than the North? Every economist will tell you slavery is bad for the economy as economic growth is dependant on flow of money. Black people are totally themselves to blame for their problems. It is their bad life choices that hurt them, not fictional White racism. Black Americans are the 18th richest ethnic group in the word, meanwhile Blacks that live by themselves with no Whites around all live in abject poverty.

Go ahead and call me names. Everyone can see you're just pissed off at the truth and don't have any arguments.


White countries have the highest living standard in the world. Just take a look at Human Development Index.
Now compare it to African and Black countries. If it wasn't for communism even Eastern Europe would be a lot richer.

In America, Black people commit something like 10 times the crime per capita compared to White people. (Hispanics commit about 4 times the crime as Whites) They commit 58% of murders despite being 13% of the population. This isn't any conspiracy theory, but official data from the FBI.

Black people are extremely privileged in America. I have looked at the data and it is revealing. Black people that come from families that make more than 160K a year score LOWER on the SAT than White people who come from families making less than 20K a year. Repeat that one more time in your head and tell me who is privileged. It comes form all the affirmative actions, diversity quotas, that law where Black owned businesses have advantage in getting government grants..etc. Not to mention everything White people give Blacks out of fear of being called "racist". If Black people were truly oppressed in America, they would try to secede. That's what all genuinely oppressed ethnics do. But they don't and have never tried to. Because they know living under Whitey gives them much better standard of life then they would have achieved on their own. Just look how "well" Black run societies across the world are doing. Just look how majority Black places in America are doing.


Woke doesn't mean aware of racial injustices. It means just being bigoted against straight White men. If they were truly aware of racial injustices, they would actually know against WHOM those injustices are perpetrated. They would actually look at the DATA about who is behaving in a bad way. They would look the situation objectively. Woke people are brainwashed liberals who will always see Black people as victims.

They feel sorry for the people who suffer most, but they don't see (or want to see) that Black people suffering is entirely Black people's fault. And behaving like Blacks do, they hurting not only themselves, but other ethnic groups in the country. People are "woke" because they realize that Blacks behave badly and that naturally causes Whites to feel resentment against them. So in order to protect Black people from that (arguably deserved) resentment, they know they have to blame White people for Black problems. And by blaming Whites for Black problems they prevent Black people from improving themselves. They are actually hurting Black people.


That's a problem that comes directly from Whites and Black living together. Blacks continue to hurt everyone by their bad behaviour because they are never held responsible for their actions, because if they acknowledge Black responsibility, Whites will start feeling resentment against them and that may cause an innocent Black person being victimized. That might be a noble goal in the short term, but it's hurting everyone. If someone behaves badly, you hold them accountable until their behaviour improves. That's how you progress and fix problems. Not by blaming everyone else for what is wrong internally within you.

If Blacks lived separately from White people, there would be nobody to blame for Black problems, but Black people themselves. Blacks would start blaming promiscuous men and women who have children out of wedlock and cause fatherless homes which lead to crime and incarceration. Black culture that glorifies crime and irresponsibility would start coming under scrutiny (now it's not because liberals fear that condemning it might cause racism). Attitudes in the Black community about drugs, sexuality, family, religion, responsibility and authority would change and Black people would improve. But now in racially mixed America they don't because liberals always shift the responsibility to White people.


If you compare oscar wins to population percentage the most over-represented group is actually black followed by jewish. The most underrepresented group is asians.

>Times have changed, the world does not revolve around white people anymore.

Lol. Yes it does. Just look up the list of most wealthy people.

>It's time for a damn change

Why? Why fix whats not broken?


The white people without self-respect are those who grovel at the feet of BLM and other such organizations and who accept the trends the OP is talking about without complaint.


Nah, thats false. Some do and some dont. Watch Wrath of Man.


"Every single movie"? I don't think that's true.


***Every single White guy is evil


***and almost all Black people are good


***And a heroic Black woman protagonist


***Typical for Hollyweird for 2020s


You sure you're on the right message board? You're 2/4. Either confused, or made your mind up before you saw the flick. Shrug. Pretty decent movie; 7/10 entertaining.


Yes, every single White guy was evil. And it's not just this movie, it's becoming a trend. White people are starting to become exclusively evil in cinema. Until very recently they used to mix it up as if they didn't want to be against any single group, but now that the movies are becoming woke that's not longer the case. Before watching this movie I watched Skyscraper, The Hitman's Bodyguard and Till Death. In all of them Whites are evil, all non Whites good and feature interracial relationships with a White woman. Hollywood has become exclusively anti White. My point stands.


Your point is ridiculous, and simply not true. "Every white person" was NOT evil; period. You clearly have no problem bleating falsehoods, but the fact of the matter is you're simply broadcasting your personal problems.

Similarly, your contention that there's some "Hollywood" agenda is ridiculous. Start w/the fact that there *is* no "Hollywood" central command center making such decisions. Then: Listing the movies w/white protagonists is left as an exercise for the student.


Which White guy was not evil in this movie? ONE guy that had a screen time of 2 seconds that got killed. And he wasn't particularly good either, he was neutral. Hollywood is extremely left wing and majority Jewish. Right wing Jews are good, but left wing Jews are anti White. This is well documented by opinion polls. They still have chip on their shoulders due to what happened to them hundreds of years ago in Europe and in the Holocaust.


I like the backpedaling, but you're gonna have to pick up the pace. At least you can admit your contention that "every single White guy was evil" is simply False. But that's just a starting point:

As far as "Hollywood" being extremely "left wing" and "majority Jewish", and the rest of that tripe that you posit, once again: that's ridiculous. Did you really go to the land of milk and honey, and do deep interviews with every line producer, actor, director, gaffer, chief electrician, assistant, associate producer, extra, cinematographer, best boy, key grip, writer, cinematographer, location scout, editor, and COUNTLESS other people involved in putting pretty pictures up in front of your dazed countenance? No? Then you're babbling nonsense. You're like an audience member at the Franco roast that actually believes that Bill Hader character was real.

The world is considerably more complicated than you (apparently) understand.

TL/DR: Your ill-defined "opinion polls" aside, I'll repeat: There IS no "Hollywood," in the sense you're claiming. There just isn't.


No, I'm not backpedalling. You don't have a point here. By showing that ONE White guy wasn't evil who barely got any screen time, you didn't prove the movie isn't biased against White people. Overall picture is what matters and even you don't dispute that.

You said there is no reason to think Hollywood would be biased against White people. I replied by pointing out that Hollywood has TWO things in common. Ideology and ethnicity. Do you deny that Hollywood is overwhelmingly left? You don't. Do you deny that Hollywood is majority Jewish? No, you don't. Are there reasons to think the left and particularly leftist Jews are anti White acceding to their behaviour? Yes there are. And not just by how they portray White people. There is evidence in opinion polls that majority of Jews have negative views about White people. And it makes sense they would considering looking at history from their perspective.

Interviews? Do you really think they would admit, "yes I am biased against White people"?. You don't have to do interviews with people with all those professions, you just see how they portray White people in their movies and what ideology do their movies promote. Do they promote homosexuality, do they promote race mixing, do they promote White guilt. How often do they make movies about the Holocaust vs say the Armenian genocide and other things. It's clear as day that Hollywood has it's own agenda. Even Jews like Ben Shapiro admit it. Hell even leftist Jews like Joel Stein (google what he wrote about Hollywood in 2008) clearly brag about controlling Hollywood.. You don't have to "prove" it, it's obvious. All humans are biased and the fact most of their execs have been left wing Jews isn't a coincidence.

"There is no Hollywood". You must be crazy.


If people aren't seeing it at this point it's willfull ignorance. You can't reason with them.


Hollywood is run by mostly white dudes, and their main agenda is to make money. Ben Shapiro is nothing but a whiny-a** racist pos who thinks he's more important than he really is. And get this straight---nobody is asking white people to feel guilty about American history---that's a bunch of bull****. "White guilt" isn't going to change anything that already happened. Also, Hollywood is not the be-all end-all of movies----there are plenty of indie films out there. And Hollywood is not overwhelmingly left or majority Jewish----that's another tired-a** right-wing trope the right loves to claim about Hollywood. You're just another right-wing fool who bought into their bull****.

Hollywood caters to different audiences today----white people aren't the only people who go to the damn movies, FYI. You act like you just crawled out of a damn cave after being there for 20 years, and is like, "Oh, my God---the movies aren't just about white men any more!" I mean, seriously? Grow the hell up, please. Everything isn't all about you.


If you deny that Hollywood is run by leftist Jews, there's nothing more I can tell you. Just search for an article by Joel Stein "Do Jews run Hollywood". It's not a right wing conspiracy theory, they just dismiss it as such because they know they don't have any arguments to the contrary. And I'm not complaining that the movie features Black people, I'm complaining that there is a continuous ever increasing pattern of Whites being shown as exclusively bad guys in movies. It's no coincidence.

And Ben Shapiro isn't in any shape of form anti Black. He never talks about race and IQ, never talks about race and crime, never talks about genetics, he even counter signals "racism" by calling it evil. He actually does Black people a huge favour and in return he gets called racist by snowflake morons like you.


Shapiro is nothing but a weird-ass looking right-wing fringe hack who isn't even taken that seriously over here. He just likes to spout his bull**** without really being challenged on it. He isn't doing s** for black people, most of whom don't even know who he is anyway. He's a racist, you just don't want to admit it because he's white like you (yawn).


No he is considerably reasonable and quotes DATA in his arguments. Unlike you. I just told you how he helps Black people. He never talks about IQ for example which is a necessary component in ANY race and income disparity discussion. By not talking about IQ he covers up for Black people and their failures allowing the myth to spread that income disparities are a result of legacy of racism.


***and almost all Black people are good


This is not correct. There's a Black cop who is corrupt and homicidal.

OP is not smart, but righteously committed to his racist cause. I remember having a near-endless back n' forth with him.


Interesting, because wokeism is something I typically notice but in this one it didn't hit me because it was done well.
They didn't have a "wamen powa" moment, she was just a badass that happened to be a chick, and it's not like she was kicking grown-ass-men left and right, it was kept at a believable level.


Believable? One minute she was lying paralysed and bleeding to death, the next she was somersaulting through the air firing guns at people.

She then got peppered at close range with a shotgun and still came back for more. Even with a bullet proof vest on, no one takes all that punishment then belts out a song and thunders after someone in an ambulance, let alone a 5 foot woman


I thought it was clear that I was talking about the confrontations in the movie, they are not portraying the typical woke movie where they try to match the physical prowess of a small woman to a large, well trained man...everyone relies on their weapons.
In a medical sense it's business as usual for an action movie.


Yep she was perfect at almost everything so her gunslinging expertise came as no surprise. A damn good singer as well


Yet she shot herself...


That's why I said almost


>One minute she was lying paralysed and bleeding to death, the next she was somersaulting through the air firing guns at people.

Yeah, strong painkillers will do that to you. Youll pay the price later for it though.

>She then got peppered at close range with a shotgun and still came back for more.

She was wearing a bulletproof west. A standard buckshot shotgun wont penetrate that. It also wouldnt make her fly like that either (it does not have enough kinetic force to even knock you over actually). But hey poetic license and shit.


Thats because wokeism isnt about the race or gender. Its about pushing shit narratives. If a movie is done well it does not matter who is in the lead role. You only start caring about that shit when the movie is bad and some asshole tries to claim its good because "muh woman protagonist". The asshole is usually the director of the film.


I mean, if you don't like it, you don't have to watch it. Today, we have more entertainment options than ever before. There's like over 500 scripted tv shows in current production to choose from, and more movies than anyone can shake a stick at. They fill every niche interest.

It's a different business model from decades ago, when there were much fewer movies being made, and only 3 TV networks to choose from. Back then, all tv shows and movies, in order to be cost-effective, had to appeal to the broadest audience possible. Nowadays, there's something for every niche.

For example, Pureflix is a studio that specializes in movies for the American Evangelical conservatives, with movies like "God's Not Dead" starring Kevin Sorbo and Dean Cain. Maybe you can lobby that studio to make the kind of movies you want to see.


That (if true) would kind of prove the OPs point. Mainstream is "diversity" and wokeism. Regular and nice white guys is niche.


I would say the OP is watching the wrong niche and needs to find one that's to his liking. He's going to the wrong party and then complaining that he's not having any fun.


The OP is just a racist white European who can't stand the fact that America is a multicultural country, so he loves to bash it, even though he says he's never been here. Fck him----nothing he says is worth s***. He's just a stupid, backwards-ass racist with his head up his a** who dosen't know s*** about black people, or American history for that matter. Fck him. again.


I doubt OP has ever even been to europe let alone came from it.


I'm European moron. If you have something so say to me, tell it to my face, not talk about me behind my back. Smearing me without actually debating my points because you can't.


You're just using this as an excuse because you can't debate me on ideas.


Damn, so Sorbos still getting work? I might watch it just for Hercules.


You forgot shes a granddaughter of a nazi.


hmmmm, really?


Wasn’t there only 2 black characters in the movie? And it was a movie about evil people anyway. Oh wait there was 3 black characters and one was bad and got killed at the end.
