Insult On Precinct 13
Real mixed bag this one....Because the plot (on paper) would have been gritty enough, without the need for (so-called) added 'quirks'' (a hodge-podge of seige-cinema tropes, a'la Assault On Precinct 13) But unfortunately Carnahan (clearly unhappy with his current bridesmaid 'standing' in Hollywood) opted for lazy Tarantino-style shite (borrowed soundtracks, corny soundbite dialogue and over-reliance on profanity)
Added (injury) to all the above, is the (committee-approved) box-ticking 'diversity' lead actress, (looking like Grace Jones' shorter, emancipated sister) whose every other word is "Fuck" or "Motherfucker" (or vaiations of such) I've read a lot of (clearly paid-for) rave reviews she's getting, citing her (quote) "Kick-Ass" performance....But (trust me) it's no great shakes.
Gerard Butler and Frank Grillo fare slightly better, but are still hampered somewhat, by having to 'tiptoe' around an actress who has no presence (nor right to be) in the movie, other than her fashionable lack of penis and/or skin pigmentation (in 2021, take your pick?)
And the less said about the 'wacky' (Ron Leibman look-a-like) bald hitman (with a penchant for 70's funk music) the better. Suffice to say, that (despite his many quirks) not one thing about his character rang-true.
When will filmmakers realise that the seventies cinema they wish to emulate, was more than just soundbites and wikki-wah-wah soundtracks? (Because until they do, audiences will have to endure more tripe like this?)
P.S, whilst I too 'adore' Lalo Shifrin's majestic score for 'Magnum Force', it takes a real type of hack to lift it wholesale for your own movies opening credits (shame on you Carnahan)
Homage-Frais indeed.