MovieChat Forums > Uncut Gems (2019) Discussion > Good Ending -- How It Coulda Been Better...

Good Ending -- How It Coulda Been Better -- SPOILERs, of course!

1. I thought, when the "High Roller" (very well played) went to cash the bets that HE had offed Julia and was going to keep the money. This was a good distraction, if intended, but if they were going for a sad ending, this would've started the boulders rolling downhill.

2. The bit about the two scraggly-haired noodnicks who wanted their money back for the fake Rolexes went nowhere. I thought the ending's irony would've been more powerful if Arno and his thugs finally appreciated that Howard was going to pay them more than they'd expected and let him go. Howard would gloat, taunting them about screwing up his earlier bet that hit. As he walked out of the store, taunting them, one of the two schnooks would blow Howard away. Maybe then, realizing they won't get their money, Phil would kill Arno and stage the robbery.

3. After all that, we could see the father's reaction to his preferred (Howard) or even both sons being blown away. If his reaction was totally financial, it would add further poignancy, and explain why the two brothers were so money-obsessed that they'd screw each other AND their father.

4. With the above ending, even if Julia lived & got the money (though, see #1) she'd have lost out for putting her trust in an obsessed a-hole like Howard. If she died, it'd be because of that misplaced love and trust. Her whole life seems to have been based on that lack of judgement.

Y'all's thoughts?


No I agree. After seeing the sleazy guy with the bags of money, it would have been a better twist if he had offed Julia. Especially since I kinda thought that's where it was headed when he goes to the shower and says "you only answer the door for my friends or for the food" (the friends, i thought, were the henchman trying to nab her at the casino)


I thought the exact same things, regarding #1 & #2. Hadn't considered #3 & #4 - not bad though.


Judd Hirsch was Howard's and Arno's father in law.


Totally agree on 1 and 2–I had really expected the scraggly guys to show up and off Howard at the least expected moment.


I, too, thought he had killed her and taken her slip.


I thought he had offed Julia too, LOL! Yeah, the guys with the fake watches should have been either more prominant in the plotline or not there at all.


#2 That's a good idea for the ending but I still prefer the actual ending. Like others I thought the scraggly guys were going to off him too; considering their story didn't go anywhere I'd say they were just intended as a diversion.

Phil killing Howard was genuinely surprising and almost felt random. And Phil was acting on emotion rather than logic which made for a more interesting scene. It was also an appropriately chaotic moment to end such a chaotic movie.
