Dear Black People
Why is it that every ethnicity on earth has succeeded in its own native lands and the lands of others... except one?
shareWhy is it that every ethnicity on earth has succeeded in its own native lands and the lands of others... except one?
shareNo one knows but you why you've been unable to personally succeed. Please elaborate.
shareAfrica is loaded with natural resources..
If the continent was united and education was improved, it would be a superpower.
First you have to get the braindead people who live there to understand how to even utilize those resources. They're too busy fucking, getting AIDS, ebola, and abducting children to rape and turn into soldiers to invent or innovate anything. Hell, even something as primitive as exploring and they never even discovered Madagascar, right off the fucking shore of Africa. Yikes
shareI have been saying this for years, they kill and torture themselves and supposedly are still starving after 40 years, yet they breed like rabbits. meanwhile whites send billions to them but nothing changes...
shareHahaha. Great point about Madagascar. It was discovered and first colonized by Austronesian peoples from Southeast Asia/the Pacific. Only when Europeans arrived did indigenous Africans first learn it existed. Hahaha.
shareThat has to be one of the worse article on Wikipedia. No maps or tables. Sugar and fruits are not natural resources.
I've seen much longer newspaper articles on natural resources in Canada.
Wow, how ignorant of the world and history can you possibly BE? There are THOUSANDS of extinct cultures. What about the Native Americans or the Amalakites or Hell, what happened to the Neanderthal? A large Portion of Africa is composed of caucasians and has been for thousands of years.