MovieChat Forums > Dear White People (2017) Discussion > Equality feels like oppression to the pr...

Equality feels like oppression to the privileged

Enough said.


There's been equality for decades. The problem is that too much has been given to the black people and they think they're entitled to special treatment. If they don't receive special treatment then they cry about racism. They've never been interested in equality, they want control.


Yeah, that's it. Blacks want special treatment, as do women, the LGBT community, etc. You keep thinking that.

Why Star Wars: The Force Awakens' a poorly-made film:


The problem is that too much has been given to the black people

Hahaha. Boy, your WHITE ignorance is showing


No, you refuse to recognize that life is hard.


Blacks are obviously privileged today, since they can get away with making racist films and racist TV shows, but other races cannot. That's a racist double-standard. That's not equality. Equality would not give blacks special rights above all other races to produce and spread racism.

I guess the OP is making an anti-black statement? If not, then then original post would be highly hypocritical and false.


Someone doesn't know what privilege is. Or racism. *Awkward


Someone doesn't know what privilege is. Or racism. *Awkward

You must be talking about yourself perhaps. If your OP is directed against white people, then it is highly racist and a clear-cut example of black privilege.


The thread title is very self-explanatory. If you don't get it, then you proved my point.


The thread title is very self-explanatory.

If that's true, then your self-explanatory thread title self-explains why my first post in this thread is 100% correct.

Thanks for making this thread in order to help to expose the racist double-standard of black privilege!


"Black privilege" 
Watch 13th if you want to know what black privilege is.


The thread title says more eabout YOU than the group of people your commenting on. You can't tell someone how they "feel" and then attack them for feeling that way. Nice try but logical fallacy nevertheless.


If this show equates to equality, you obviously would have no problem with a show called "Dear Black People". Good to know.


What would it be about? The title alone doesn't trigger me



Reported for being a Trump supporter nazi scum


fede - They are deleting these forums in 2 weeks, yea, report me. If you called me a racist to my face, I would cut your throat out. I really don't think you will survive in the new world. And I'm about to search your name and see what I find.


LMAO, ok, tough guy, find me, MR Robot. You're just another pussy talking online. RACIST PIECE OF SH.T


fede - Okay, I found you. It looks like you're not a human. You're a fake person with a fake life. That was to be expected. You're a blood-drinking devil who sucks the life out of humans. You have the tongue of the serpent and the mark of the beast in your eyes. I think maybe God is going to teach you a lesson for preying on humanity. You can't feel pain but God is going to teach you what pain is when the sounds of your own screams drive you mad in hell. Just ask those voices in your head. You are going to regret calling me a racist. Watch.




I see your other post was deleted and for good reason. Wow.. it's hard to believe that people like you still exist. Just wow. Doubtless you're a white guy and unfortunately you're giving the rest of us a hideous reputation. I've never in my life met anybody who would speak to another person this way. Just wow. Who tf raised you?

That said and no longer in response to Gitman but to OP, this is not equality. It really isn't. If a show was called "Dear Black People, Dear Asian, Dear Brown People" etc and then proceeded to stereotype that race and show them as ignorant and obnoxious *beep* there would be huge backlash, BLM would get involved, media would cover it.. white is still a race whether you think we're privileged or not. We can't help the fact that we're white. In today's day and age white people are not aloud to question anything nor defend themselves lest we be told to "check our white privilege". I don't deny the terrible things that black people have and continue to endure, and I stand with and support every race on this earth.. but nobody in present day is responsible for the sins of people 100 years ago and instead of this race baiting garbage that serves only to devide us, we should be putting out content that unites us.

But that of course goes against the agenda of the elites of the world who want to keep us divided, broke, angry and laying blame on others so that they can better control us.


Equality feels like oppression to the privileged
by fede_4488

Oh please, give me a break, I bet you have no idea what real oppression looks or feels like, especially if you are American.

I can guarantee most blacks would be running back to America in a week if you gave them a chance to live in their ancestral home surrounded by all black people, you know the grass is always greener and all that.

There are rich and poor whites
There are rich and poor blacks
There are rich and poor asians
There are rich and poor latinos

The US is (for now anyway) still a majority white country built by whites so of course there would be whites mostly in charge, use some common sense.

There is as much systemic racism in the US as there is systemic racism in Ethiopia, India, Brazil, Indonesia, France, Oman, Cambodia or any other country you could name.

How much privilege would a poor white man have if he went to Somalia?

Last game completed: - Dishonored 2 (Xbox One)


Communism sure has worked out well in the past...


What you're describing is a form of Imperial syndrome. When a person or group hoarded their power through shady means, they start to worry when those they've stepped on to get to the top start gaining power, too.

Beauty will save the world--Dostoevsky.
