Really she was proud of her sister?
She opened that door because all those stupid people listened to the rich narcissist that wanted to save his ass. She opened that door to get revenge for her sister and the others.
So maybe, even if she was proud - however I didn´t see that - that does not mean she didn´t want those stupid people get what they deserve, for not letting them in and then throwing them out.
It is certainly not confusing in my mind. They all got what they deserve. I got annoyed by the rich ass that manipulated everyone to first not let them, throw them out, and then get away with killing four people (the steward on the train, the two kids and the train conductor) - He would have deserve to be killed much sooner. He died in the end, but I would have wish for a more suitable ending for him, you know when they were talking - just tell him that this is the same thing he did before and throw him off that train.