MovieChat Forums > The Orville (2017) Discussion > OMFG another Moclan-centric episode.

OMFG another Moclan-centric episode.

So many fucking aliens and their planets that could be explored, WTF is up with Seth?


I overall agree that there been too many Moclan-centric episode this season. But at least this time it wasn't some weird sex episode.


Not sex ... just gender.


Seth wrote 14/26 episodes. This was was written by a Star Trek writer and directed by J Frakes. Blame Star Trek!


He's the showrunner and exec.producer, maybe he could take a look and say:"Hey, there seems to be a little too many Moclan episodes, maybe, just maybe we should cut down a little, so our viewers don't get bored of them so quickly?"
Ya know?


I like Moclans.


good thought they made a mistake in the casting of the new strong one but now who is left some earth stuff and we can not forget that the robots are still out there need the green goddesses from star trek


Let's see now, the current count is 4. They have aired 12 episodes for Season 2, and a total of FOUR have been Moclan-centered, which is 3 more than most people were interested in seeing, and THREE OF THE FOUR have been very poorly-disguised "gay plight" allegories. It's one thing to do it once a season, that is to be expected in this day and age, but 3 is overkill. It's like they are saying the audience is too stupid to understand what they're trying to say, so they have to do it several times to get it through our thick skulls. Thanks for having so little faith in the viewers, Seth.

The only reason I'm not quitting on the series is because this new episode gave me what I wanted. I knew, with an oppressive, female-hating society like the Moclans, that somewhere in the midst of it, someone was going to be sneaking around, forming an underground with females that had not been forcibly given a sex change operation and indoctrinated with the mainstream Moclan society's messed-up views. Even better, the male Moclans didn't win this time around, compared to previous episodes.

I would, however, not cry if Klyden croaked in an "accident" in a later episode. He's been nothing but trouble since he first appeared on the show, and it was nice to see Bortus calling him out on his bad parenting and disrespect of Commander Kelly as well as the rest of the society on the Orville.


Klyden is thoroughly obnoxious. Maybe they could outfit him with a nice red shirt and send him along on an expedition to a new planet.


That's a capital idea :D


But it was a great episode. And it worked so well because we are familiar with the Moklan Society by now.

That's called build up.

And we saw so many Alien Races in the Counsil. That was fun.

The Moklan story reminds me of Deep Space Nine and the female Ferengi Storyline.
