Jist of S1...

Ep 1: epic start off.

Ep 2-7: talk talk talk, husband watches wife through camera while Castle talks them to death, wife complains and easily accepts a new man into her life even though she pretends to want her old husband back but can't survive with a man in the house so she constantly allows him to come around, bad guy fucks agent hard-on for Frank Castle and hasn't been fired for not doing her job elsewhere (aka NOT investigating Frank), rinse-repeat

Ep 8: Dumbest gunfight I've seen to date. "DROP YOUR WEAPONS" *guys gets shot* *cops can't aim for shit at people in plain open view while they had cover* *female agent repeats surrender after they've clearly showed that they don't want to by killing 2 of the cops* *screams for help in an abandoned lot*

Ep 10-13: Great finale


Shut up.


After you. Seriously if you have nothing remotely intelligent to add to this conversation, get off the internet.



It feels like this show incorporated all the bad things about the Punisher's portrayal in Daredevil S2 while jettisoning the good aspects.

The first episode was slow, but it at least ended on a high note. Then it was just 12 episodes of pointless characters yapping endlessly with an occasional gunfight or torture scene thrown in.


Yeah, the last 4 eps made up for the slow drama they seem to like to add in most of Marvel's Netflix shows. Not much action but lots of talking, which is alright to some degree but this is the punisher we're talking about. Did he spend that much time reminiscing of forgotten wars and allies of the old to assist him in his what I Would say PTSD struggles?


That pretty much sums it up. Very disappointed after the great first episode.
