Ben Posh?
I have seen Ben now for three seasons and I never thought that he was some rich kid that thought he was above people. Just the opposite actually. He really has been the most down to earth, nicest, most professional crewmember especially this season.
I think it is pretty clear that Julia has some weird insecurity about wealthy people and people from the south of England. If someone is from the UK and can elaborate on this topic please do!
I also feel for Ben here. I went to a rich, college-prep high school. However, my family was not wealthy. I played sports there and it could be dangerous for us sometimes on road trips. We often had to play extremely rural teams in poor areas all the way across the state. Multiple times our teams actually got attacked while in these areas. One time the state police had to be called in to escort us out of the town. All because according to others, "we were the rich white boys from the coast." After I graduated I came across more than one person who openly hated everyone from my school because, "we were a bunch of spoiled rich kids." And I even had people tell me "fvck you" right to my face and the only thing they knew about me was that I went to a certain school. It always just came across as jealousy or like someone from the school raped their dog or something.