Seems like a rehash of Quantum Leap and Time Tunnel
I am a huge fan of the Stargate series (movies, SG1, Atlantis), not Universe or the cartoon, I don't think anyone was! Quantum Leap was OK, it has a cult following, but honestly, it's got too many pop culture references to really hold interest. Time Tunnel was a good, and it went to historical situations to do it's thing, but it had its issues. I know, no show is perfect. Shows need to play to the lowest common denominator to be watchable by many, to get the ratings, this usually means stupid pop culture references and issues, in this case, I would assume a little Back to the Future thing thrown in too.
I haven't seen the show, I'm going by the trailer and what I've read. I am going to watch a couple of episodes and see if I'm wrong, I hope I am, I really want a new series to watch. I'm a vidiot, and love to be in front of a screen. Watching documentaries or intelligent shows. A good comedy without a laugh track is excellent. I'm a huge Doctor Who fan, and if you're doing a time travel show (regardless of how), this will be, in a series, my comparison. It does time travel well, not to mention excellent villains (weeping angels, the silence, the master, missy etc). So, fingers crossed this isn't going to be pablum for the masses.