MovieChat Forums > Travelers (2016) Discussion > Stop. Stop churning out these silly cra...

Stop. Stop churning out these silly crap pseudo-scifi series. Stop!!!!




Yeah, that is what I am thinking....the time travelers have finishing traveling and now the whole thing will be set in the present...perhaps they have come up with some novel storyline, but I doubt it.


.. And that's why there's "protocol six" (which they happen to be "in violation, of, today") and everything is "compartmentalized".

IDK., whether it's too much bull - the way that they're -seemingly- going to (conveniently) explain everything as we move along, in a similar fashion as with "11.22.63" (

"Delaney's lab", in S01E02, we're simply fed information worse than it were in Prison Break, Heroes... MacGuffin it through, dunno; does it get better? :)

Edit: Ugh, later seasons of Heroes - ofc., it started as being awesome.

^^ Oh and, also, "Traveler 3160" (or whatever) isn't that easy to remember - who's who, in the thousands. If the show's going to in the present, then we've already lost, heh. That much I, definitely, agree on! xD



It's simple, just don't watch it!


Stop ASSuming a show is crap before you even watch it.

This is quite possibly the best "time travel" show ever.


HAMMER TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
