I wonder if ep 10 gave us an inkling that their prior selves might still be present in the background and that for some it can retake the lost life as the traveler becomes more assimilated in their new life. Yeah, as a PhD neurophysiologist I know this is all hocum, but as a consistent story line phenomenon I could see how the original consciousness returning could both complicate things, but also make this better down the road for the future in terms of not messing things up. Take someone like Phillip, who uses his knowledge to go off the grid but still make $B in knowing how future events play out, becoming a "Biff." Maybe Marcie's neurological complications don't kill her, but do incapacitate her back to the simpleton she was before, sort of like a Flowers for Algernon scenario. We do though have evidence from the decimated team who had been here for 15 years that they do retain the future self though some do go off-mission.
My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2