
Has anyone compiled a list of the protocols they are meant to follow? Are there only 5?


Here are the Protocols:

1. The mission comes first.

2. Never jeopardize your cover.

This has two parts:

- Do not call each other by future names “Leave the future in the past”.
- Do not use future knowledge for personal gain.

3. Don’t take a life; don’t save a life, unless otherwise directed.

4. Do not reproduce.

5. In the absence of direction, maintain your host’s life.

6. No inter-team/deep web communication except in extreme emergencies.

This comes from Showcase's own website:


There are at least 6 implied to exist, although only four have been given:

1: - not given but Hall claims in episode 4 that it's the only one that matters -
2: Leave the future in the past (quoted in several eps)
3: Don't take a life, don't save a life (quoted in ep 3)
4: - not given or referred to, but presumably there has to be one -
5: Resume the life of the host. (referred to in several eps, e.g. in ep 5 McCleran uses it as an order, "Protocol 5 til then", ie go on with host's life; title of ep7)
6: No contact with other traveler teams unless otherwise instructed (quoted in ep4, referred to in ep 2 (where it's the title), and others I think)

I'm guessing protocol 1 is something like "do the mission" or "obey the Director's orders" or something like that. But we don't know yet.

I wonder if #4 is being left there in case the writers think up another one they need.

And, of course, we don't know that there are only 6 — could be more for all we know.


The ones I posted come directly off the website of the Canadian channel that aired Travelers. Granted many of them are worded less formally than they are on the show. Protocol 6 as stated in the series itself didn't mention their deepweb channels (although presumably they expect them to be used only when necessary). It said something like, there is to be no interaction with Travelers outside your team unless otherwise ordered.


Thanks -- I remembered 1 and 4 and references to the other, nice to see them all in one place. I am looking forward to Season 2.
