There is no possible way for them in the future to know the exact time and place of death of all humanity, down to exact coordinates!
Did you note how, in this aircrash episode, when McLaren went off mission, the Directorate was aware of this, right away, and projected a traveler into that pesky flight attendant, who was able to scream an admonition to him, before her host body died?
It is just one of the signs that the Director's minions have some kind of past-o-scope that lets them view the past.
So, they don't have to rely solely on old records to know when 21st Century people died.
Of course that introduces new wrinkles, like keeping track of the different iterations. If the original 21st Century McLaren should have died, around the end of episode 1.1, and was replaced by a Traveler, so he keeps interacting with people, solving crimes, that means that he might unknowingly interfere in the life of someone else who they planned to project a Traveler into a week, or a month later, when they died. The Traveler projected into McLaren might unknowingly cross paths with people, who don't die, and thus can't be the hosts for Travelers, after all.
And how is the Directorate able to project a Traveler into someone, like McLaren, who doesn't die of their original cause of death, after all?
Marcy was beaten to death, so being able to project a Traveler into her is explainable. Junkie-boy died of an overdose. But, McLaren doesn't fall down the shaft.
I am a materialist, and don't believe in souls. Maybe the writers are going to tell us that they do, and that a Traveler was able to project into the original 21st Century Mclaren's body because, since he was fated to die, seconds later, his soul have already been loosened, so it could be evicted.
One of the passengers on the plane was a pre-pubescent kid. Why didn't the Directorate project a Traveler into him? His body wouldn't have died immediately, like the Flight Attendant, and he could have kept admonishing the Traveler who was going off mission. Maybe a Traveler in the kid could have taken over the mission?