MovieChat Forums > Travelers (2016) Discussion > Why did the Director save MacLaren?

Why did the Director save MacLaren?

He and his team have had to be warned numerous times about going off mission. Their tendency to improvise (often to accommodate off-mission objectives) hasn't won them a lot of friends in the future. Yet the Director instructed his people to use the most advanced technology at their disposal to save MacLaren. Why?

Is it because they need him, and no one else will do, for some future mission? Do they secretly want a team of improvisors even though they can't officially sanction their deviations? Or did it have something to do with saving his "wife" who wouldn't have been on that flight in the timeline where her husband was dead? Maybe her not dying yet is vital. Or maybe it's another reason entirely. What does everyone think?


Maybe the special medical team was there in case Congressman Bishop needed specialized future type medical care? Maybe since Bishop didn't need it, and the team was there anyway, McLaren got to benefit from their care?


They were indeed there for Bishop. But they were also authorized save MacLearn after he sacrificed himself.


Maybe the special medical team was there in case Congressman Bishop needed specialized future type medical care? Maybe since Bishop didn't need it, and the team was there anyway, McLaren got to benefit from their care?

I'm pretty sure their orders were specifically to save MacLaren (whatever the "Congressman" may have been led to expect before his departure). Marcy told the lead doctor about her problem, and he said he wished there were something they could do for her but nanites are by Directive only. It's possible they were told to recover a badly injured man at that location and treat him without being informed of his identity, but it seems more likely if they found the wrong guy their authorization to use the nanites would have been void.



Another example of why congress opted itself out of Obamacare.

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2


Maybe it was the faction, not the director, that saved MacLaren, and in the process the faction replaced MacLaren with someone sympathetic to them?

2 separate people have received text messages to kill MacLaren, and MacLaren shot dead the 1st one, which was completely unnecessary, and not something the real MacLaren would have done. Then he suddenly seems to be quite callous towards Carly. It could be, as someone's said, that he's started to get close to his 21st century wife, but even then my previous impression of the character is that he would be kinder and more sympathetic.


Maybe it was the faction, not the director, that saved MacLaren, and in the process the faction replaced MacLaren with someone sympathetic to them?

2 separate people have received text messages to kill MacLaren, and MacLaren shot dead the 1st one, which was completely unnecessary, and not something the real MacLaren would have done. Then he suddenly seems to be quite callous towards Carly. It could be, as someone's said, that he's started to get close to his 21st century wife, but even then my previous impression of the character is that he would be kinder and more sympathetic.

MacLaren didn't shoot her dead. She tried carrying out her orders ... oops, how careless of me, I missed! Then he shot her twice right in her vest. That really knocks the wind out of you, it's not as painless as a lot of shows make it seem, no one could really blame her for not springing up and charging after his car on foot with gun blazing.


Interesting. I assumed she was dead... I thought that she fired off to the side to make it sound like she was doing what she was tasked to do. So if MacLaren is doing the same thing (intentionally making it sound like he was killing her but not killing her), it might make sense, but still seems to send a very mixed message to her. Her message is clear - I'm NOT going to kill you.


Interesting. I assumed she was dead... I thought that she fired off to the side to make it sound like she was doing what she was tasked to do. So if MacLaren is doing the same thing (intentionally making it sound like he was killing her but not killing her), it might make sense, but still seems to send a very mixed message to her. Her message is clear - I'm NOT going to kill you.

He just wanted to make sure she didn't get in trouble for disobeying orders. So they had to make it look good. I assume they probably knew where the closest security cam was, and stood at an angle where it wouldn't be apparent from that vantage point that they were putting on a show. They may tell her the next time she's ordered to kill someone don't engage them in conversation first. Look at the opening that provided! She won't be disciplined because as far as anyone knows, there was no actual insubordination. She tried.


I watched the episode again and this time noticed that after she clearly missed him on purpose, while he was aiming directly at her, he looked at her, she nodded in agreement and only then he shot her, in the vest. It was done so gently that I (and probably most viewers) missed it. However, on repeated viewing, when I was not taken by surprise, it was very very clear. Also the camera returned to to show her rolling on her side so the presence of the vest is very clear, groaning from the pain of the hit but no blood.


Lets just hope she didn't buy her vest at Walmart

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2


To answer the OP's question it is not clear why the Dirextor saved Mac's life but it was interesting that Derrick the Doc Traveler #Dnnnn mentioned the medical team previously only intervened with heads of state but that 'rule' was recently changed and the Director sent the team to save Mac. Since a Traveler can jump into an appropriate physical body there must be a verg good reason why Mac's body was saved; maybe his wife needs to continue being involved, the FBI as a great cover story?, the partner?....the Director apparently has a crystal ball and sees a lot into the future...


Probably because the actor playing MacLaren signed a 2-season contract?
(Hah! Sorry for the cynicism...) ;)


Aren't most introductory contracts for three seasons?


I was thinking that MacLeran is actually the director or related to the Director. I know they said it was a machine, but they are doing hybridization of mind and machinery..


I doubt it. He has no trace of near-omniscience or the confidence that would come with knowing the big picture. MacLaren seems very much like a guy who trained for years to do something no amount of training could fully prepare you for, and is figuring things out as best he can.

There must be some reason the Director needs MacLaren. His methods are unorthodox and not strictly in line with protocol, but his loyalty has been tested and is pretty much beyond question. It may be more than that of course. Something very specific he needs to live long enough to do. The Director can't afford to have him sacrificing his life, at least not yet.
