Only 12 episode season??
I wish there had been more. I dont like this trend for such short seasons. I remember back in the day when Combat seasons ran for 32 episodes per year! That is too much, even back then! God knows how they did that.
I hear that 24 episodes per year is quite grueling too, but that has been done for decades.
Now, we get as little as six episodes per year with some shows. Cant we compromise and do something like 18-20 episodes? I dont mind a mid season break if that is what it takes.
The UK is worse. Shows like Sherelock and others only run three or FOUR episodes per year. They call their seasons "series". At least the episodes tend to be longer than one hour.
I dont care about the UK. But why is this low episode count trending in the USA now?
There are still SOME shows that do the typical 23-24 episodes per year.