What Comes Next?

Now that I've binged season 1, I am hooked and intrigued and worried about what becomes of the team, and the future world. At this point, I don't know whether to root for the Director or the Faction. Need more information.

Netflix absolutely HAS to provide us with more of the story.


That's the idea. You don't know who's behind which of the conflicting orders; and while they've hinted that the Faction are the bad guys, we don't even know that for sure. And what's going to happen now that the FBI has stumbled onto the Travelers and there's a real chance the government will become aware of their presence?


Well we had lots of loose end stories.

The4 deal with Jeff the angry cop will be interesting when they discover that the girl likely killed her entire family, plus there may be some Traveler related items in their house.

David has basically talked himself into a jail cell, which is what my lawyer claims every innocent person who can't keep their mouth shut will eventually do.

I think Kat will notice some missing clothes and suitcase, plus she has also texted her mom with concerns about Mac cheating, and she might have an Uber charge to get to the airport.

Unless most of the SWAT team are Travelers and they hit Forbes with the ray-ban pen, that is a big exposure issue.

As for good vs bad, what is coming back to the Quantum puter, and who is issuing orders to whom on what team, I can say that I have my opinion of what's what, but that it could easily be 100% wrong. I think the faction killed Ellis, as I don't see The Director doing it unless The Director has info that Ellis is on team faction. So see, two likely scenarios that are completey opposed to eachother.

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2
