I have questions? -->Ep.6 Helios 685
They're fully aware they'd need to abide by protocol 3, i.e. don't kill anyone. The aim is area denial, to suppress, deter, possibly incapacitate. So why did they not procure non-lethal weaponry for the shootout in Ep.6? Teargas, stun guns, rubber bullets, bean bags, directed energy weapons?
Surely the writers must've read that Wikipedia page?
Currently, the technology is being considered for non-military use to protect Earth from asteroids.
Command in general seems to be somewhat incompetent, particularly in terms of communicating with its teams. Half the time they barely know their orders and have to wing it. Supposedly command knows the past, so why the Director can't provide them with sufficient and accurate intel is something I don't understand.
Command being inept is not an inherently unacceptable idea though. My problem is primarily that the other characters don't react to it. Their muddled orders make them confused and jeopardize whatever their mission is, but they never seem to question what a nincompoop the Director is for being such garbage at actually directing them.
Is the Director supposed to be less military strategist and more some kind of cult leader that they're blindly devoted to? Because I've gotten the opposite of that vibe.
Also, why does Marcy forget about clothes? No one else forgets their ABC's (Always Be Clothing.) Suppose when a traveler possesses a host that's developmentally challenged, specifically the part of your brain that retains information about clothes gets targeted?
Also, why do they try (and mostly do a bad job at) maintaining their covers and identities? It seems detrimental to their ability to perform their missions, and I don't see the benefit? Trevor is the only one who needs to stick around and keep up appearances really, until his parents are no longer his legal guardians. And MacLaren is the only one who needs to keep his job as it provides resources and access. Aside from that they could/should just bail on their old lives, get new identities, homes etc.? share