MovieChat Forums > Travelers (2016) Discussion > Director = Their new God?

Director = Their new God?

Just watched season 1 yesterday and noticed one thing. They seem to treat the Director like a God. They are suppose to have blind faith in the Director. They do whatever the Director says and if they have doubts, they get reminded, it is what the Director wants and we must trust in the Director, the Director knows best etc. Know there is the "Faction" that is challenging that feeling that the decisions should be theirs, not a machine.

What are your thoughts on this theory?


We don't know that it's that simple. The Faction may have a completely different set of goals. For example, maybe they have a charismatic leader (Hitler wannabe) and their goal is to save the world and create a new order under them.

The Director isn't their God, but it is a superior intelligence. Over time a benign superhuman entity would win peoples' confidence with its ability plan out and execute complicated tasks (like the management of society's global resources) better than any human being and always making the right choices. After a century or two of consistent perfection, and people challenging its conclusions always being wrong, everyone would tend to give it the benefit of the doubt. Any problem you think you see has probably already been thought of and solved by the Director.

The same thing would happen if a human leader made one uncanny perfect choice after another and never seemed to get anything wrong. People would be willing to defer to their judgment. Nothing mysterious or religious about it. Just common sense.


Well we don't know enough yet about the Faction to know what it's goals are. Could be they want the same thing as the Director, just Humans in control of their own destiny or a new Hitler wannabe. But just listen to what they say and how they say, is even a few kind of prayers praising the Director.

But I am wondering on how they will play it out in the 2nd season. The, we thought we were working for the guys but really are the bad guys type deal or we are now under attack by new age fascists who want to take over everything.


I am surprised more comparisons aren't made between Travelers and Person of Interest, which had an AI taught to think in human values vs an AI which only saw the numbers. After this season I am not really sure which is the best way to go, or how the show is going, since it seems the supposedly altruistic gestures have led to conditions worse than before. The Faction may turn out to be the freedom fighters and The Director like the Emperor in Star Wars, etc.

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2


Yes, is several ways the writers can go with the AI that is the Director. Good AI vs evil AI. Either way it could be interesting, I just hope it isn't a same old story just retold in a different way. Some new twist would be nice for a change.
