Good film. Sad. I don’t think I’ll watch it again but I’m glad I did once. This is an argument for increasing welfare benefits and for fully federally funded abortion. My heart broke for this women being forced into prostitution because she had no other good options. Also, birth cobtrol should be fully available and free to all us citizens.
I don't see how she was forced into it. For her it was the only "job" she could keep consistently due to her anger issues. Honestly I think she was given too many breaks by people around her and that only makes her situation and Moonie's worse. I couldn't believe she didn't get arrested after beating up that woman downstairs.
I think birth control should definitely be readily available, although I don't know if it should be free. Definitely subsidized under universal healthcare.
Birth control doesn't go far enough. Sterilization is the answer. An argument for increasing welfare benefits? Yeah, just keep giving these scumbag losers more of my tax money. Nobody is "forced into prostitution". She had plenty of options: Don't do drugs, don't be an alcoholic, don't cover yourself in tattoos, don't keep pumping out babies you can't afford, don't drop out of school, don't get in fights all the time, be responsible, don't be a lowlife asshole. Those are all choices that can be made.
I disagree. I think it was a very poor film, and had no real point. Ashley was not forced into prostitution. She just did it because she was to lazy to get a real job like her friend.
luckily i only DLed it and didn't pay a dime,
although know i wish i had a roll of dimes, maybe a couple quarters too, all wrapped up in a dirty gym sock, waiting to be swung full force into the face of the psychotic asshole who wrote and directed this "white trash" propaganda
not as easy as you'd think in some parts to just 'get a job'. she made some poor decisions in the past (she mentions she can't get arrested again to Moonee) and her friend was going to get her a job once she was promoted to manager, but instead some other girl got a promotion.
She was just forced into tough situations after tough situations and obviously a girl like her is not equipped to make the best of decisions. But her intent was to feed her daughter, bring joy and make the rent on time so they have a roof over her head.
Actually it IS easy to get a job in most places, not a GOOD job, but a job. There are thousands of jobs out there, but you have to be willing to WORK. Almost every restaurant I eat at, and many stores and small businesses are usually advertising for help.
She could get a job at a restaurant (like her friend) or Disney World! Do you know how many thousands of people they employ? She might have to start just sweeping up, but she could rise from there. Her friend got a job in the restaurant. Her problem is she's just a lazy freeloader.
An nobody is ever FORCED into a tough situation. Your situation is mainly the result of the decisions you made. Obviously she made some bad ones, but she is not being forced to make more. She can clean up her act and fly right anytime she wants. However, this character never will because she is a lazy, disrespectful, ungrateful, freeloading slut.
And if she would stop wasting money on drugs and cigarettes, she wouldn't have to be a prostitute.
I’m sure anyone who ends up in a situation like this never tried for it to turn out that way. It’s not always as simple as decision A leads to result B. Life is far more complicated. You can be the straightest arrow and the epitome of success and life can take all those things from you just as easily as it gave them. Happens all the time.
That's true. But just because she didn't mean to end up there doesn't mean she can't make the decision to take charge of her life and turn things around. Unfortunately (especially for her poor daughter) this character, like many people, was just too stupid, lazy, ungrateful and self centered to make good decisions.
Her plight was of her own doing. It was her choice.
I’m in favor of preventing a potential life before it forms. I’m not talking about 3rd trimester abortions, though as a man I don’t think my opinion really matters.
It's still killing unborn babies before they get a chance to be born.
Why do would you want to prevent any so called "potential life"? What has the baby done to deserve a death sentence? And exactly when does that "potential life" become a "real life"? After it's born? A month before it's born? Six months before it's born? Eight months before it's born? At the moment of conception? Who gets to make that determination? Who gets to play God?
BTW, did you know that a baby will usually have a heart beat after five to six weeks? That is WAY before the 3rd trimester.
A heartbeat at 5-6 weeks does not = a sustainable life. There is much more development that must occur for the fetus to be viable. Don’t push your uninformed religious morals on me. Not all of us are content being rubes.
Who are you to make that determination? Who gave you that lofty level of knowledge? Are you a doctor, and even if you are, how can you make, much less prove, such an absurd statement? You sound very arrogant and condescending to me.
And as to my "uninformed religious morals", I happen to be an Agnostic, and I'm very informed having graduated Cum Laude with a BFA from a major university. Did you even graduated from High School?
And as to "being rubes", I happen to live in a major urban area. So you're 0 for 2 on your arrogant and uninformed assumptions.
"A major university". Brigham Young I assume? If your telling the truth at all. In any case, how would having a BFA qualify you in any way to make medical assertions? Considering that you got major points of the movie wrong, such as the main characters name, and why she couldn't get a job at one of the theme parks, I have to wonder if you actually paid attention to this movie at all. It's obvious that you missed the point completely. I'm sure your BFA wasn't in the realm of film appreciation. Because if so, your "major university" may just regret selling you that degree.
He seems a bit too humourless and dull-minded to golf with...
But back on topic, do you not think both Halley and Moonee (the mother and daughter) would have been better off with the support of an immediate or extended family, rather than being at the mercy of the rental and labour markets on one hand and the State on the other?