Anya Taylor-Joy

That face of hers..those big, brown matter how much clothing she wears in any given scene, it'll always be entirely too much, but did you see how great she looked in virtually any setting? Hair up, hair down, wearing a skirt, a dress, shorts, you name it...if she was my girlfriend, I'd play dress up with her like a girl playing with a Barbie.
She's a Disney princess brought to life. Like if all women had to look the same, she should be the cookie cutter.

Oh, the movie was okay, but she made it perfectly watchable. Goddang she's a looker. I didn't look, I hope she's at least 18 so I don't sound like a perv. Almost started out saying something like, "She needs to be on my penis immediately!", wouldn't that have been embarrassing lol

And those eyeballs of hers are about exactly as big as eyeballs can get without crossing the line and having someone look freak-ish. Goddang...good on her parents, good job guys!
Saying "eyeballs" really kind of takes the sexy out of it, huh?


She is quite possibly the most beautiful woman on the planet


Get a life.


Get a libido.


I don't need to express my libido on internet forums...


Yeah, well nobody really "needs" to do anything at all really, do they now?
I wasn't expressing my libido, I was expressing her attractiveness, something I imagine any other male with a libido would agree with.
You're on a discussion forum...its what its here for, and if someone wants to discuss how beautiful they find an actress, what's it to you? What's offensive about it?

If you're bothered because your testicles never dropped, or your first pubic hair refuses to show its face, then I'm sorry for rubbing it in your face...a beauty that you're not able to fully enjoy. But otherwise, stfu.


Wait ... you think you're masculine because you're fapping off over a young actress on a message board???



If you want to discuss within the parameters of the discussion, that'd be great. But making up shit to knock down is pretty goofy.
There's a reason that Hollywood is full of the most beautiful people you'll ever see...its because we're all geared towards recognizing it.
And if I want to post about the beauty of someone I think is possibly the most attractive woman I've ever laid eyes on, its likely that there's not much better place than a movie discussion forum.

If you want to discuss the possible merits of my perspective on her, discount it altogether etc then by all means, be my guest. But to come here and lambast me for having posted in the first place? Its almost like you think that it matters to me what you think of me. This isn't personal to me...this is a place to share thoughts and ideas. Not a place to try and shame the people behind them.
People like you need to understand that most people don't really care whether or not you approve of them...your opinion of them means nothing.


Jehosaphet Man you really are into her creepy eyes. You really should get a life.


Yeah, I'm not looking for validation through popular consensus here lol
I loooooooove her eyeballs, goddang. She's like if Bambi turned human. Not even mentioning her legs here...because I don't think I did, huh?
Have you noticed them?

I've got a personal theory that the reason you see so many ultra-thin, junkie-looking supermodels on the cover of magazines is because the fashion industry is full of gay men who don't really understand what regular guys find attractive about women. Because it sure isn't about being able to count their ribs, amirite?

Anyway, Joy's legs are JUST the amount of perfect...not skinny, not fat, JUST the right amount of healthy. Along with the rest of her. She's...possibly the world's first perfect human being. And if we had to choose one model of human being to submit to our new alien overlords for the purpose of recreating our species on some new planet-sized lab in a distant galaxy? Yes, I think we should choose Anya. Absolutely. Just...for the record.


You're the only one who thinks as you do, weirdo.


She's always a joy to watch, yes.
And... she (and the cast) were the only good thing about this movie for me.


Yeah, I'd actually been looking forward to it for a few months, having read some promo article about how great it was supposed to be or whatever.
It didn't really do a whole lot, did it? Nothing seemed to really stand out about it, not much suspense, not much of a satisfying ending, one of those movies you'll forget you had seen come a year or so from now, you know?

At least it was original, that's something I suppose =P


She’s pretty hot but in that final scene that exposes her neck/traps looked very odd. I couldn’t take my eyes off her freakish looking neck. Because of that she’s a 6/10 at best.


Hah that is too funny. Its been some months since I posted this, but just a couple weeks ago I Googled her to see some IRL pics and yeah, you're absolutely right. She's...there's something a little funny about her that doesn't really show up on film somehow.


I think her eyes make her look like a bug. They are almost on the sides of her head! lol

She's one to watch, though. She's excellent in everything I've seen her in.


I know a girl who looks so much like her, only her eyes aren't so wide set apart. So, the girl I know is much prettier, IMO.
