
Do I sense a kidnapping coming on?


spoiler spoiler

I don't know what will happen, but I sense some serious misdirection. For example, it looks as if Chance is convinced that Det. Raymond Blackstone is beating his wife Jacklyn/Jackie Black (who could have multiple personalities) and believes that Raymond is responsible for the death of Jaklyn's former therapist. I suspect that Chance will have D kill Raymond and then it will turn out that Jackie Black is the real killer of the dead therapist. Chance's misgivings about cheating the Russian who bought his faked furniture for twice its value will also cause trouble for him with D who is, after all, loyal to Carl the antiques dealer who might not appreciate Chance telling the Russian he was tricked. The Russian will blame Carl despite Chance's plan to try to shift all of the blame onto himself.

This show is really dark and I sense some possibly conscious echos of other movies including "Vertigo" (just look at the shots of San Francisco Bay/the Bay Bridge and listen to the soundtrack) and "Basic Instict".


I suspect you are right about the misdirection. It also crossed my mind about Jackie Black being the murderer. But then I get stumped regarding who beat her up? It could also turn out to be more like Body Heat. One things for sure... until it's proven different, Det. Blackstone is a pretty scary guy. The conversation at the restaurant gave me chills.


It is entirely possible that Jackie killed her former therapist, but that Jaclyn is still telling the truth about who beat her. There are plenty of motives still available for the act, including the therapist learning about the possible traumatic childhood alludded to in episode threee. Or maybe, Jackie doesn't want to go away.

There is absolutely something more going on than we have been made privilege to yet, but that's the beauty of this sort of story. I'm just hoping that the show's writers do the work, putting in the effort to give us a proper progression and build-up to the eventual twist. Too often these big revelations are awesome, and mind-bending, but come almost entirely out of left field. This show still has all the pieces in place that it can avoid that and let the reveal build itself, and thus reward the audience for watching diligently.



Is it possible that Chance is beeing played by
D in some way? D seems to enjoy manipulation.


I thought about that very early on, but I am thinking the answer is no. I think D is the equivalent of the wise sage that explains the "new world/reality" to the hero on the journey, in this case Dr. Chance.


I think D is the equivalent of the wise sage that explains the "new world/reality" to the hero on the journey, in this case Dr. Chance.
... then uses violence as sage sledgehammer.

who as been an IMDb member for ages


I am suspecting that everyone's story may be half true.And that all the main characters are half crazy.Is D even real or only partly real?


Chance's misgivings about cheating the Russian who bought his faked furniture for twice its value will also cause trouble for him Ohm, I think Carl gave the money back to avoid any trouble with "the Russian" who bought the furniture. That D is so good at this, but I do foresee possible issues for story-telling purposes of just about everyone they're mentioning in the series. I'm still clueless who all the folks are he's profiling in his narrations?

who as been an IMDb member for ages


In the light of episode 3, I think it will turn out that Dr Chance is the biggest psycho of them all, and everything he experiences is through the dark filter of "narcisso-erotic obsession disorder", or whatever his before-the-series psychosis was . Or maybe not.


I thought about that too. But if he was still in that state would he have pushed Jackie away when she came to his apartment? Something more is going on, I'm convinced of that. I just wish HULU would put out all the episodes at once like Netflix & Amazon. The tension is making me really uneasy.


Maybe the show is about Chance getting deeper into his pchychosis, he is quite OK in Ep.1, but he is having more and more questionable moves, like stalking Jaclyn in Ep.4. . That's why he could push away Jackie then, I'm not sure he could do that in Ep. 5, if Jackie come onto him again.


I thought about that too. But if he was still in that state would he have pushed Jackie away when she came to his apartment? Something more is going on, I'm convinced of that. I just wish HULU would put out all the episodes at once like Netflix & Amazon. The tension is making me really uneasy.
Hulu never had it so good. I'm dying to know what gave Laurie the incentive to make an original series for that site?

That said, I don't think Chance is the nutcase in this but a superhero in the making of sorts. That with his sidekick D. If he were the nutjob he wouldn't have the practice IMHO.

I might, however, believe that "Jackie" is more her norm and Jacqulyn her 'role' as a good twist.

who as been an IMDb member for ages
