MovieChat Forums > Chance (2016) Discussion > Hitchcockian flavor

Hitchcockian flavor

Weird to put those two words together--
But did anyone else pick up on that?
Beautiful woman-- dual personality--"everyman" type of guy trying to help her--Very Vertigo-esque
Even some of the soundtrack


I was thinking early David Lynch, but they're similar, so yes.


Agreed. Hitchcock all over it. The composer has also 'expropriated' a motif from the Vertigo love theme for her theme. Still, really enjoying the vibe of the show.


I keep getting a Fight Club vibe. I'm wondering if it's not Chance that is having some hallucinations.

"She hasn't even read the books..." - Elliot_Alderson


Yes,it reminds me very much of Vertigo and I was also wondering if anyone else thought the same!


I haven't seen the show yet, but Hugh Laurie mentioned in an interview that he was channeling James Stewart from Hitchcock films like Vertigo.

Comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable


Agreed... the further into this season we get the more I am reminded of Vertigo. It is clearly an homage while being a wonderfully original creation in its own right.


Hmm... I haven't seen Vertigo, but now have to see it... However, I did indeed get a strong Hitchcock feeling about the show. It actually hit me hardest when Chance and Jacklyn were spending time together when Raymond was in the hospital. When they were looking at the books at that store outside... I got a very strong Marilyn Crane, from Psycho, vibe about Jacklyn......

By the way though.... In the series House... one of the most prominent posters in Wilson's office was the big poster for the movie Vertigo.....


Yeees though im gonna be the revel here and say this is more Marnie than Vertigo where Mark Ruthland was splited in 2 different characters.

Raymond forces Jacklyn to be with him and says he wants to help her, he knows her secret and covers her up while Eldon Chance is the one who really is interested in helping her and wants to discover what is really wrong with her and at the end with Ruthland and Chance we discovered the truth from Jackie/Marnie which far from what we thought.
