Too Many Questions...

For my tastes regarding this show that are not explained which are common sense ones.

Since the children of Cittigaze are in another world that doesn’t include daemons then how do they know who or what witches are? Even Will didn’t seem fazed that they suddenly appeared & flew right in front of him without reacting too much. It’s amazing that Serifina found them at all never mind in the nick of time. That’s some tracking abilities right there.

If Paola wanted to, she had Wills a$$ right there holding that pointy thing right up this chest. She was more aggressive than Angelica was which surprised me. The scene was murky as I tried to get a look at all the other kids there but couldn’t make them out clearly.

Now I thought all the adults of Cittigaze were dead, but it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever to learn that a lot of them fled to the mountains & they left their children still in the city. As we know with the witches the spectres can indeed find them wherever they are & attack, so why wouldn’t they even if a lot of people are in the mountains? So you’re telling me after the attempted attack on Will & Lyra all those kids went to the mountains & now it’s just Angelica & Paola left?

Can someone explain to me who or what exactly is Mrs. Coulter? WHO? She can leave her daemon behind if she wants or needs to, she was impervious to the specters, where even the witches themselves aren’t (No I don’t buy that stupid explanation either that she told Carlo) I mean who is she? A witch? Half a witch? A woman with witch like properties? Maybe due to an experiment with intercession or whatever she was working on for the oblation board? Do the books even explain this? This all makes no sense. Why in the hell did she kill Boreal for? Because she felt like it? Because he inferred that they were “equals” although it looks like she made up her mind about it when she found the poison. Such a cruel & murderous woman.

Serafina & her clan don’t seem so kick ass now with their bumbling through Cittigazze. Next weeks previews allude that the magisterium gets the drop on her but we’ll see. Why was Lyra so forgiving towards Angelica & Paola anyway especially since they tried to kill her? At least Paola came off as a normal child when she met Mary Malone to kinda prove she was your average frightened kid. Do any of them run into Lyra & Will again after this & what are their reactions?

Oh yeah, Boreal had a tent with a guard, guarding the entry to the window at the park where anyone who was walking by would’ve been “wth?” Which would’ve attracted more attention to that spot especially since everyone had no idea anyway so yeah good show Carlo. Mary tricks her way past the guard but then when Boreal & Mrs. Coulter do arrive the guard & the tent are gone? HUH?! Explain that one to me. Naturally anyone who was curious as to what hell was going on could’ve just walked right in there. Oh & it seems that he wasn’t alerted that someone had come & gone already. Guess you get what you pay for.

Seriously some strange stuff goes on in this show that doesn’t make any sense or doesn’t seem to at least but maybe some of you are more knowledgeable about these things than I am.
