This movie is one long cringefest...
The dialogue is some of the most awkward and unintentionally hilarious ever.
I'm not sure Angie Thomas ever interacted with a white person before she wrote this. Or maybe Audrey Welles lived the most sheltered life imaginable. No one could ever possibly be so lame to say the things they did. It doesn't surprise that progressive lefty film critics praise it tho. They are obligated.
Pretty much her entire interaction with her white best friend and boyfriend was over the top
He's a scrawny beta pussy that looks like David Hogg and says things like I'm colored on the inside. HA. And her ugly white friend who says things like "Pretend it's fried chicken" or talks "our people" and so on. Too funny.
And I'm sorry, but the total outrage over the shooting was absurd. I don't care who you are, you get pulled over by the cops, especially at night and told to keep your hands on the hood while he runs your license, then reach in the car and grab something, you are is getting chalked.