So … went back and finished it.
Got a lot better after the FBI entered.
So I take it back. It’s worthwhile, but somehow the first hour bored me and rubbed me wrong. Nowadays I find it unbearable watching characters “dumb as a washboard” resorting to vicious crimes to somehow fix their pathetic lost lives only to find — surprise! — misery for them and their victims.
I don’t like Leonardo’s dumb, weak character, but … that boy sure has turned hisself into quite an actor. Lots of scenes depend solely on his face, hanging on his every expression, and they all work. Seems working with Marty all those years has certainly paid off.
Evil Uncle Hale’s point — and the movie’s — is that all the story’s tragedy will be forgotten and will change nothing. And up until this movie a century later, it sure seems that was the case. But I don’t even see what Hale and his merry men really got for themselves, except long jail sentences during which to write letters to their Ogage “friends” (whom they helped so much … yeah). It’s disgusting there are moral monsters, sociopaths like Hale running businesses, but honestly worse there are so many washboard-dumb clucks who are naive enough to go along with their asinine, murderous plans.