Another show with...

Idiot husbands and harpy, shrew wives? I'll pass.

Stalked by coleburnz07 since 2012 and Scarletknights since 2007!


Have you watched this show at all? The wife is not a "harpy, shrew." In fact, she's very understanding.


And Kevin Nealon's wife? She was definitely a harpy. And just looking at the preview for the next episode, Matt Leblanc's character's wife is already giving him the "You can't do anything right" attitude. Again, I'll pass.

Stalked by coleburnz07 since 2012 and Scarletknights since 2007!


I've watched it-I've watched them all. Can't disagree with the OP. It's getting very old and very not worth watching.


When the wivesnot really liking sports, took the once in a lifetime, on the 50 yard line Steelers tickets, and went to the game to spite the men, and thus crushing their childhood dreams is pretty harpy to me.

The show is so situationaly out of touch with reality to begin with, add on the annoying family and you got yourself a show I will never watch again.


Yeah, version 2,614 of the "dumb husband/critical wife" sitcom that was already old news when it was transplanted from radio to television in the late '40s. An unfortunate comedown for LeBlanc, after the great "Episodes".
