MovieChat Forums > DuckTales (2017) Discussion > My motto for Duck Tales (2017) season 2

My motto for Duck Tales (2017) season 2

I once saw an old movie about early Christians in Rome, possibly Sign of the Cross (1932). At the end, naturally, a group of Christians are waiting to be fed to the lions in the arena. The heroine tells a little boy to be brave and he will go to heaven as his reward. The little boy goes out into the arena and a scream is heard.

The pagan hero enters and tries to convince the Christian heroine to renounce Christianity and save her life and marry him. He tries to make her see that her religion is a false and superstitious creed and the god of the Christians doesn't exist and can't reward her with heaven. Naturally he fails and in the end he goes into the arena to die with her.

What the pagan hero doesn't realize is that his task is almost hopeless. If he doesn't convince the heroine that Christianity is a false religion, she will go to face the lions like a proud Christian.

But if he does convince her that Christianity is a false religion and Christians won't be rewarded for martyrdom with eternal bliss, she is almost certain to feel extremely guilty for just now encouraging a child to be martyred and die, and thus she will almost certainly feel like she deserves to die instead of saving her life and marrying the man she loves.

In "The Shadow War!" Scrooge talked to Lena and promised to make Lena part of his family if she helped him get his family back. And later Lena fought against Magica and was blasted into (possibly) death and eternal nothingness.

So it seems possible that Scrooge might feel guilty about, and partially responsible for, Lena's fate.

Anyway, I can imagine Scrooge funding an manhunt for Magica and offering vast rewards for her capture.

And if magic-less Magica is captured, I can imagine that Scrooge would tell her she deserves to die a horrible death because of trying to kill the kids. She kept shooting at them with ray blasts that vaporized holes in piles of coins.

In the comic books of Carl Barks and Don Rosa, the Duck universe seemed identical to our Earth, except for have anthropomorphic birds and mammals in place of Homo sapiens. Scrooge McDuck met many people from real history. Including Teddy Roosevelt a few times.

So presumably Scrooge should have heard about the Perdicaris incident in Morocco in 1904 and Teddy Roosevelt's actions in it.

So I can imagine that possibly Scrooge would offer Magica a chance to save herself. Scrooge would tell Magica he wants either one of two possibilities from her, and he is certain to get one or the other of them. What Scrooge would demand from Magica would be: "Lena alive or Magica dead".

I don't know what story arcs there will be in season two of Duck Tales (2017), but my motto for the second season will be: "Lena alive or Magica dead".


Well, Lena is back alive as of "Friendship Hates Magic", so as far as I am concerned Magica can survive.
