MovieChat Forums > Gräns (2018) Discussion > The ending - some questions

The ending - some questions

Was the infant that Tina found in a box at the cabin a gift from Vore? It looked like it was half-human and half-troll. Is that correct? Or did Vore give birth to it? And the cabin... Did the cabin belong to Tina?

Lastly, Tina fed the infant an insect of some sort. What is the significance of that?

Thanks in advance for your answers.


The cabin was Tina's, the infant was a troll (changeling maybe), and she was feeding it worms because that's a troll snack. Not sure if Vore gave birth to it, but it came with a note from a troll community.


Thanks for your response, catsidhe. =)


My take on it -

The house and guest cabin were Tina's, I'm guessing her dad gave it to her when he moved into assisted care? So perhaps technically it's still his?

I thought it was a gift from Vore - one have gave birth to, though why it looked more like a human than the one he'd put in a fridge I don't know. I assumed feeding it worm indicated she knew it was a troll like her.

What I don't get at all, is what Vore did with the human baby he took?


Vore suplied the the human babies to the criminal network to be used in their videos, as a 'payback' for what humans did to his kind in the 'psychiatric hospitals'


The package was from the Troll community in Finland that they spoke about earlier in the film. It is therefore presumably an invitation for Tina to join them and finally be her real self.

Beautiful, beautiful film.


i suppose the infant was full troll. unlike the hiisi (unfertilized emryos), it stems from a fertilized embryo, as a result of tina and vore having sex earlier in the movie. and she fed it insects of course, because that's what trolls do.


Yes, that was my take on it, the baby was theirs.


Vore says "I'd like to let them find me one fine day." I get the feeling the Finland group knows of him but rejects him (I mean, if they knew about Tina they had to have known about him). They gave Tina the baby and invited her.

What I didn't understand was what happened to Agneta's baby? I guess it's horrifying to think they got the changeling and their baby is off in some pedophile ring somewhere :(


I just assumed it was the baby Vore birthed from her (his?) sexual encounter(s) with Tina. I figured he escaped, gave birth, and delivered the baby to Tina.

And of course the insect, I mean, that's straight up troll food there!


Exactly my thoughts. It definitely wasn't a changeling as can be seen from its appearance. And it definitely was a troll as it had a tail. Vore had explained that all the trolls are born with a tail.


"A gift"?!
