In every big movie's message boards lately, someone inevitably uses "pansexual". It's like you discovered a shiny new word and just want to use it because you just learned about it. It's already tired and stupid and overused, needlessly. Enough already.
He he. Here’s the thing, the pansexual thing does pertain to this character. These claims have merit and they’re by no means something a group of DP fans dreamed up. For instance, along with a number of other examples of DP being fluid, Deadpool has notably flirted with Spider-Man several times in the comics. They kinda have a thing going on, know what I mean? ;) Now is it nothing more than a funny gag like Wade’s “friendship” with Colossus in the movie is? I doubt it. Those who humorously get pissed by hearing that Wade is into all genders (pump the hate breaks, Fox and Friends) will try to argue with the facts, but that’s cute.
On that note, damn Deadpool was HOT for Colossus in this movie! I wonder if he will be able to control himself and not try to f him in the future. XD Oh that’s right, Wade got Vanessa back, so... I guess Colossus can now breathe a sigh of relief. Whew!
LOVED Negasonic and Yukio’s cute coupling by the way (keep whining about it “PC crap and SJWs suck” crowd, the filmmakers aren’t going to regress just to please you).
"Most people agree that bisexuality refers to feeling attracted to multiple genders, while pansexuality is attraction to all genders. There are overlaps between the two, but they are distinct. For example, someone who identifies as bisexual may feel attracted to those who are gender-fluid, male, or nonbinary but not those who are female."
What annoys me about the current use of the word "Pansexual" is that they're trying to change its meaning.
I learned the word as a young adult, and then it had a rather broader definition - "pan" meaning all, so it literally meant "everythingsexual". A bisexual was someone who would screw male or female humans, but a pansexual was one who didn't limit themselves to humans, who might like soft fruit or inanimate objects.
Now, of course, it's been changed to "I will screw humans who are men, women, or trans", leaving no term available for those who don't limit themselves to humans.