Awesome references and cameos (spoilers)
Wow, they really went all out for this one.
All the Avengers references were my personal favorites:
-Deadpool calling Cabel "Thanos" which was the funniest to me because it's actually him, calling Domino "Black black widow", calling Dopinder "Brown Panther", referring to himself as "Hawkeye" when he was stripped of his powers, and making a comment about Cabel's metal arm and calling him "The winter soldier". Every single one had me laughing in an I-can't-believe-they-went-there kind of way.
The unexpected cameos (I didn't watch the trailer) were a nice touch that made this movie much more special to me such as Brad Pitt as The Vanisher, and those who only had a few minutes on screen before being killed off like Bill Skarsgård as Zeitgeist, and my favorite Terry Crews as Bedlem. They made the movie that much more enjoyable to watch.
Now, can someone please explain that damn post-credits scene to me and how its relevant to the next X-men movie? I would very much appreciate it.