MovieChat Forums > Search Party (2016) Discussion > Not sure if I like, or hate it

Not sure if I like, or hate it

Just finished the season and oh holy *beep* ending was kind of what I expected, but not what I hoped for. I knew that it would turn out to be some cosmic joke, that Chantal never really was in danger, it was all just stupid circumstances that made Dory think it would be the case, but seeing it unfold exactly as that, made me kind of hate the ending.

I guess overall the show really was just about some self absorbed people, who can't deal with life and all of them are just dumb idiots in the end.

I honestly only watched the show because of Shawkat...still like her since the Arrested Development days...but yeah...the show had some strong moments, but overall it was slightly above average.


I agree w/ you. High quality. Great cast. Solid acting. The guy who plays Drew and the girl who plays Portia are great actors. And there's Shawkat of course.

BUT unlike you th ending was not what I expected. I as hoping there was a real threat/danger and in the end they save/find the girl. But what really hapenned is that the missing girl was just another terrible person( a term used several times in the show)

I'll watch a second season if there's one.
I even have an idea for season 2. Dory runs away after the events in the last episode. She thinks she killed a man. But he is just badly injured. Now they have to go out and find Dory. Plus Chantal and Drew are now together.

If you don’t like what I wrote please simply press ALT + F4!


I actually expected exactly this kind of ending. I mean, we were clued in early on that Chantal was never even truly missing, let alone in any kind of danger.

The whole thing just seemed like something a plain and overall unremarkable girl would do to make herself more important.

I still wonder what exactly was the statement that the creators of the show were trying to make with this? We see throughout the series that if it weren't for the hypocrisy of practically everyone in that situation, and Dory's total lack of a life, no one actually truly cared. Even Chantal's own family just kept going about their lives like nothing really happened!

But I did enjoy the show. 


i think it is that reality is more and more the reality what we create in our imaginations, as recorded by social media. The lies are more real than the truth.
