MovieChat Forums > Anon (2018) Discussion > Why was the girl doing those hacking job...

Why was the girl doing those hacking jobs for petty cash?

She could basically control everyone around her, see everything that they see, decide what they could view or not, etc... She was like a God amongst men, she could have become insanely powerful or rich by stealing money from people's accounts, becoming invisible and entering houses and using her skills to get rid of anyone she didn't like.

Instead she uses her powers for petty money to delete unwanted records from her clients, why??? it doesn't make any sense!


Dunno. A couple of stacks of hundreds for ten minute's work doesn't really seem like "petty" cash.





She could hack into rich people's accounts and take pretty much everything. Then, she could erase any evidence about the theft or even get rid of them.


Not hack the accounts. That's not how the Ether works apparently. But she could have accessed their memory files with all the passwords and codes and whatever.


I think basically she wanted to stay low and not be noticed.


It would be difficult to be insanely rich and powerful, and yet still be anonymous and live off the grid flying under the government's radar. She valued her privacy much more than becoming a God and attracting attention. As it was, business was booming and she was making very good money. Getting paid with stacks of tax free 100 dollar bills for a few minutes of work is hardly petty cash.


True. And instead of doing it for a couple of hundred many times she could've just done it once for a few million.
