MovieChat Forums > American Housewife (2016) Discussion > Kind of disturbing that she flat out adm...

Kind of disturbing that she flat out admits she has a favorite child.

She said in the episode where she was trying to get Anna-Kat invited to a party that she wouldn't do this for either of her other kids or her husband, and flat out admitted she loves Anna-Kat more than her other kids. I know lots of parents have a favorite child, but not to the point where they could flat-out admit it like that. I think that's just wrong really.


She didn't admit it to the child, did she? I think all parents have favorite kids, and I think we all knew it growing up. My brother and I talk about it sometimes.
When I was a teacher, I had favorite students in each class and overall. I never told them, and worked hard not to show it in my treatment. Every teacher I talked to said the same thing.


Parents don't have favorites. I love my kids Jennifer and Not-Jennifer equally.



Parents don't have favorites. I love my kids Jennifer and Not-Jennifer equally.

I love this and had to requote it!! lol

Yes, we definitely have our- let's just say- difficult and way less difficult child. :)


That is funny.


I don't think it was disturbing. It's just part of her blunt, outspoken "charm".

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!


Do you have more than one child or any?


This is the biggest lie parents tell. My friends (other moms) and I have actually laughed about this topic before. So here's the truth - yes, parents do have a favorite child. But in most cases (including my own) that choice is fluid. And most of the time, it changes by the minute.


There must be 1,000 things she does wrong. If she didn't do or say or think anything disturbing, you'd have no show. or else you'd have Mrs. Ingalls or Miss Beadle in Little House.


I have two cats and a dog. Sometimes I think I love Kia (the first of two cats) more than the others but in the end, I don't, I love them all the same. I don't have any kids, I don't want any kids, hope I never have kids...but if I can't even pick a favorite of my pets, I find it hard to believe that I'd be able to pick a favorite child if I had any.


Usually parents who strongly favor one child growing up find that the other children become estranged as adults. The child who want your favorite finds spending time with friends far more satisfying than with the mother who considered the child less favorably.
