Man, I was so wrong

Just watched 2 episodes and I'm impressed as a horror fan. I completely disregarded the show when first announced and it just goes to show -- sometimes you should take a chance on things.

I'm a bit guilty of being dismissive with mainstream horror and tv adapted horror but I'm happy to admit when I'm wrong. This show is pretty cool so far.

Favorite DC/Marvel Characters: Flash, Martian Manhunter, Deadpool, Daredevil


I was hesitant too, but it was VERY well done. Keep us posted!


It gets better. :)


then it gets worse.


Yep. I thought it had promise, too, when it first began. By about episode 6, that hope was gone.

"I was cured all right!"


Oh no. Really?
I hope you're wrong cause Im liking it so far..

- om telolet om-


Each to their own. I loved the entire series.


Same here. I enjoyed it from episode 1. I really hope it gets renewed for a 2nd season.

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today."--James Dean


Yeah, it's all right for the first few episodes. Then, you begin to feel like they don't have enough story content, so they start stretching things to a point where I have to fastforward half of each episode.


Season 1 was amazing and season 2 not so much....
