MovieChat Forums > 24: Legacy (2017) Discussion > I really enjoyed the first two episodes

I really enjoyed the first two episodes

And plan on seeing the rest of the season. The big problem I have (and I had the same problem with Live Another Day. It is called 24 not 12. Either do 24 episodes or call it something else. CTU is a perfectly fine name.


yeah. first two episodes were good.

You can't persuade fanboys. You'd be better off trying to convince a wall. ~CodeNamePlasmaSnake~


I would love to see another full season but I believe 22-24 episode shows are seen as too much of a risk these days for several reasons. Not only does a shorter episode run allow the writers to tell a tighter story, it allows for an increased budget and sort of acts as protection should the season not be well received and the ratings suffer. It's far more cost-friendly to just finish airing a short run than to risk airing an entire full season of a show that isn't doing well. In the latter case, they'd probably have to cancel it to avoid losing money, and cancelling a series mid-season creates angry fans.

As long as they cover the events of an entire day through time jumps like they did in Live Another Day, they can technically justify it.
