2nd episode ratings

6.2?? Ouch. Not sure the show even makes it 24 hours...


It won't considering it's on a 12 episode run.


It will still be 24 hours. They will jump at some point like they did the previous season...if they make it that far.


Thats the same as Live Another Day, and that was 3 years ago


Demo ratings is only 1.5. It should be 1.0 or fractional on the sixth hour.


Actually those are great for Fox! 24 always holds consistent with its ratings! And ratings could improve. The reaction from loyal and new fans have been positive!


24 never had the advantage of following the Superbowl either so the extra exposure is a plus... I don't understand the delays though... 4 years between the end of the original show in 2010 to the summer miniseries in 2014 to this now 2.5 years after that... With so much lost time no wonder Kiefer isn't in it.


You know Kiefer Sutherland is one of the producers of this show, right?


I understand it. I could barely make it through episode 2 with all the cliches thrown at me from all directions. There is nothing new or exciting in taking place. The worst part is how predictable everything else. I'm sure they have a plot twist that will appear around episode 10 or so but by then it's too late!


I couldn't make it through the second episode for the same reasons. I am really going to miss the message boards.


when i watch 24. one thing i did not do is 'think' about anything it throwing at me. all i did is let it flow around and just enjoy what i'm seeing. i only use my brain when i watch something like taboo or the wire. which make both different kind of TV and i'm enjoy it in different way.

try it. stop thinking when you watch action stuff. just let it flow through your head. have this mindset and you can enjoy almost everything on earth.


This is just wrong. Watch the first three seasons of 24 and then watch this. There is a HUGE drop in quality.

Fly Eagles Fly
