Norman Lear Needs to Do Everyone a Favor and Retire
I just saw the trailer. It looks so bad. Norman Lear needs to retire and stop recycling the same crap. This is essentially a generic "latino" family with a struggling single mom trying to hold it together, the same tired multigenerational problems, the witty [read this as obnoxious] kids, and the outdated, but well meaning grandma. Also, it seems that Rita Moreno who is Puerto Rican is now Hollywood's go-to-Cuban mother even though she's not even Cuban. In fact, there's only one Cuban-American performer in the entire cast. This is a series that's supposed to be about a Cuban-American family, but evidentally, they can't find Cuban American actors even though Hollywood is full of Cuban-American actors! Go figure.
By the way, I can't believe that Rita won an Oscar once, her falsetto Cuban accent is just so bad, its crinch worthy! Ah, but leave it up to Norman Lear who polluted TV back in the 70's with programs that were supposed to be pollitcally correct, [but were essentially insulting to the group he was portraying] to come up with this crap. No doubt, this will turn into another platform, so that he can push his "leftist" agenda. But as the saying goes, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks," and Lear who was born in 1922 and is over 90 is as old as they come and not just in physical age, but in ideas!