Why only one night a week?

She's doing everything from daily show that Trevor dropped right away. If she dressed like Maddow would they feel comfortable enough to give her more than 30 minutes once a week?


It's so bad they might lose viewers on the network.


A daily show is a massive commitment- for both the network and the talent. The market is oversaturated. With the ratings Conan is getting, I'm not sure TBS even wants a late night show at all these days, no less a daily late night news satire program. No matter how great Samantha is, in this market, there's absolutely no guarantee that she'd get the kind of numbers she'd need to justify a daily show.

There's also a good chance that she might not want a daily show. She might want to be able to spend some time with her 3 young kids, something she wouldn't be able to do while doing a show every day.

At one point, John Oliver was tossing around the idea of maybe expanding to daily but I'm pretty sure that ship has sailed. You've got to have a network that's gung ho on the idea, talent that's willing to devote every waking moment to it, and a market that's able to give a new show a chance. Right now, this doesn't exist.

Assuming Samantha left CC on good terms, she'd be a great replacement for Wilmore when he gets the boot (which has to be soon), but she's probably under contract, and, like I said, I'm not sure she wants to commit that much time.
