MovieChat Forums > Full Frontal with Samantha Bee (2016) Discussion > Good God, what a mean spirited beeathc!

Good God, what a mean spirited beeathc!

The previews for the second episode just hit and after watching that awful first episode's previews for a month and then finding the actual episode to be even worse - I guess we're done with her here.

Couching that non-humor poorly hiding vindictive diatribes is horrendous.

What - they can't find a way to humor without taking a mean spirited path through other's misfortune?

Who green-lights this kinda of crap?



Wait until (or, if) you get to the third episode. She starts talking about how bad it is for guys to ask out women at work but fails to mention she's married to her old coworker from The Daily Show whom she met at an earlier job. Workplace romance is fine for Samantha Bee but you're a sexist pig if you do it.


Workplace romance for her is probably just plain good luck if her TV persona's unpleasant air is any indicator.



She does seem suspiciously defensive about being a witch. Maybe she cast a spell on JJ or made a deal with Voldemort or something.


She's got time. She prob doesn't even write half her own jokes.


Actually, she was talking about workplace rape & sexual assault, not workplace dating. Bit of a difference.


No, she specifically referred to work place dating, telling "guys" that its "not ok to ask out your coworkers". C


She ALSO said that if you do ask a co-worker out to at least respect a "no" answer and not be a jerk withholding food, leaving bags of poop, or just straight up sexually assaulting her.



Whatever, she's still a giant hypocrite and her thinly veiled attacks on men amount to slander. Women do all these same horrible things, but I don't see Bee asking women to stop "dating" (raping) their junior high school students, for example. She just focuses on the things men do because she's pandering to "feminists".


Since the show has only been on the air for a few episodes she may get to that topic yet. Teachers raping students is a serious topic that should be discussed to educate everyone. Feel free to stop watching the show as is your right, but so far you have not presented a good enough argument to convince me that she is a hypocrite.


Shes extremely biased to liberal views and you know it.


"I'm actually not,” she says. "The show channels my frustrations into a nice 21-minute catharsis, and then I'm pretty chill the rest of the time. I'm not sure I can really define our voice, but it comes from a very gut level, a very visceral place."

Read more: "Full Frontal with Samantha Bee" To Launch in January 2016 on TBS - Page 2 - Sitcoms Online Message Boards - Forums


Oh, so she gets to determine our perception of her? She says she's chill the rest of the day. I'm sold!

I'm better than you.



"Green lights!" You must be in the biz!

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